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disrupt [dɪs'rʌpt] v
gen. yirtiq; uzilgan; yirtilib uzilib ketgan; tilkapora bo‘lgan; dabdalasi chiqqan; buzilgan; barbod qilingan; ishdan chiqqan; chippakka puchga chiqqan; yiqitilgan; qutulgan; vayron qiluvchi; yemiruvchi; buzuvchi; xarob qiluvchi; bo‘lmoq davlatni; g‘alva qilmoq; buzmoq
 English thesaurus
disrupt [dɪs'rʌpt] v
mil., logist. A tactical task or obstacle effect that integrates fire planning and obstacle effort that breaks apart an enemy’s formation and tempo, interrupts the enemy’s timetable, causes premature commitment of forces, and/or splinters their attack. (FRA)