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noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
cotton ['kɔtn] n
gen. paxta; ip gazlama; ip; tanob; tola
cotton ['kɔtn] v
gen. chiqishmoq; murosa qilib yashamoq together, with; mehr qo‘ymoq; o‘rganib qolmoq
cotton ['kɔtn] adj.
gen. paxtaga oid; paxtadan olinadigan; paxta ipidan qilingan
 English thesaurus
cotton ['kɔtn] abbr.
abbr., textile cott
intell., slang explosion (cnn.com Alex_Odeychuk)
Cotton ['kɔtn] abbr.
abbr., textile Corporation of India; Council International; Textile Agreement; Textile Institute
: 11 phrases in 1 subject