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analysis [ə'nælɪsɪs] n
gen. analiz ilmiy tekshirish, ilmiy tadqiqot usuli; obyektiv voqelikni ilmiy bilish, o‘rganish vositasi; tahlil; tahlil qilish; tekshirish moddalarning tarkibiy qismlarini aniqlash
 English thesaurus
analysis [ə'nælɪsɪs] adj.
lit. The process of examining something meticulously. This often involves the separation of elements structure, form, literary devices into different parts, to facilitate understanding of a whole text.
mil., logist. A step in the processing phase of the intelligence cycle in which information is subject to review in order to identify significant facts for subsequent interpretation. (FRA)
tech., abbr. anal; analys
: 18 phrases in 2 subjects