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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
ores n
gen. ércek
ore A mineral or mineral aggregate, more or less mixed with gangue, that can be worked and treated at a profit [ɔ:] n
environ. érc
ore [ɔ:] n
mineral. érc
 English thesaurus
ORE [ɔ:] abbr.
abbr. official residence expense (4uzhoj)
abbr., automat. occupational radiation exposure
abbr., avia. Orange Municipal Airport, Orange, Massachusetts USA
abbr., el. optical rectification effect; overrun error
abbr., mil. Operational Readiness Evaluation
abbr., monk. Oregon Rockhounds Online
abbr., progr., IT Online Rpg Engine
law Oregon Laws
mil. officer responsible for the exercise; operational readiness; operational readiness evaluation; operational readiness exercise; overall readiness estimate
tech. obtained radiation emittance
Ore [ɔ:] n
cartogr. Oregon
ORES abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. On-Line Resources for Earth Scientists
: 6 phrases in 3 subjects
Soil science1