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lee [li:] n
cyc.sport szélárnyék
lees [li:z] n
agric. borseprő
 English thesaurus
LEE [li:] abbr.
abbr. Law Enforcement Examination (pryhazhunia); low energy electron
abbr., auto. low emission engine
abbr., el. lightguide express entry; low-energy electron
abbr., st.exch. Lee Enterprises, Inc.
airports, avia. Leesburg, Florida
mil. logistics evaluation exercise
tech. laser energy evaluator
LEES [li:z] abbr.
abbr., auto. Lucas Electrical and Electronics Systems
abbr., earth.sc. low-energy-electron impact spectroscopy; low-energy electron scattering
abbr., el. low energy electron spectroscopy
abbr., oil low-energy electron spectroscopy
mil. launch equipment evaluation set
Lee [li:] abbr.
abbr. Lee's Ecclesiastical Reports
: 10 phrases in 3 subjects