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leadership ['li:dəʃɪp] n
agric. vezetés; irányítás; vezetőség; igazgatóság; útmutató; használati utasítás; irányelv
 English thesaurus
leadership ['li:dəʃɪp] abbr.
abbr., mil. ldrshp; ldrsp
IT The ability and process to translate vision into desired behaviors that are followed at all levels of the extended enterprise
mil., abbr. ldshp
mil., logist. Capacity to guide, train, lead and command the others. This ability results: 1. from a set of personal qualities: charisma, broad-mindedness, ambition, ability to communicate with the others and to work in group, 2. from behaviour: adaptation of the type of command to the situation, implementation of tried and tested motivation methods. (FRA)
leadership: 5 phrases in 4 subjects
Nuclear physics1