
   English Hungarian
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agric. gépkocsivezető; vezető; kocsis; fogatos; sofőr
comp., MS illesztőprogram
environ. el. vezetõ
equest.sp. hajtó
s box

noun | noun | adjective | to phrases
drivers n
econ. vezetőszemélyzet
driver ['draɪvə] n
agric. sofőr
comp., MS illesztőprogram (Software that enables hardware or peripherals (such as a printer, mouse, or keyboard) to work with your computer or mobile device)
equest.sp. hajtó (ügető)
driver ['draɪvə] adj.
agric. gépkocsivezető; jármű vezető; kocsis; fogatos
environ., el. vezetõ
 English thesaurus
driver ['draɪvə] abbr.
abbr., mil. drv; drvr; dvr (Киселев)
mil., abbr. dr
DRIVER ['draɪvə] abbr.
abbr., auto. Documents, Records, Interviews,Visuals, Evaluation, Review (For checking or auditing a control process, especially for vehicles and maintenance system. Interex)
driver value and risk ['draɪvə] n
IT A driver includes an event or other activity that results in the identification of an assurance/audit need
driver ['draɪvə] n
cinema A person who drives either equipment or passenger trucks, typically between location shootings, sets, and the studio. The chief driver is called the transportation captain. See also transportation co-ordinator.
driver: 57 phrases in 5 subjects