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PCR abbr.
comp., MS maximális cellasebesség (In Asynchronous Transfer Mode, the rate of cells per second that the source device may never exceed)
 English thesaurus
PCR abbr.
abbr., avia. project change request; Project Completion Report
abbr., pulp.n.paper pressure controller and recorder
abbr., virol. PCR
PCR abbr.
abbr. Personnel Calculation Rule; Postal Carrier Route; Pickled Cabbage Reserve; pitch circle radius (greyhead); Pretty Crazy Relatives; Processor Configuration Register (Motorola, CPU); periodic current reversal; polychloroprene; production control record
abbr., auto. passenger car radial (tire kumold); passenger car radial tire
abbr., automat. process-control robot
abbr., avia. Puerto Carreno, Colombia; Perishable Cargo Regulations (Lena Nolte); parts control record; plan control room; problem change report; production change record; production change request; project cost reports; publication change record; publication configuration record
abbr., busin. planning check request; price cash flow ratio
abbr., commer. Procurement Center Representative
abbr., comp., net., IT Preventive Cyclic Retransmission
abbr., dentist. pellicle cleaning ratio (MichaelBurov); stain removal efficacy (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. particle-characterization reactor; petrographical caking ratio; preconditional conjugate residual method; production casing restoring
abbr., el. Polarization Cell Replacement (Заменитель поляризационной ячейки Urdeza); page control register; parametric cyclotron resonance; parent-child relationship; peak call-setup rate; peripheral control routine; phase-change recordable (disc); phase change recording film; phase-change rewritable (disc); phase conjugate resonator; phase conjugate ring; photoconductive resonance; polarization constituent ratio; polarization coupled resonator; portable clean room; port command register; precision control readout; pressure coefficient of resistance; pressure conductive rubber; process change request; program change report; protocol converting router; pulse compression recording
abbr., el., scient. Principle component regression
abbr., electr.eng. phase-controlled rectifier; Power control room (Belk)
abbr., file.ext. Program Control Register
abbr., IT Peak Cell Rate; program clock reference; peak cell rate
abbr., law Post Creative Rationalization
abbr., manag. project control baseline
abbr., med. polymerase chain reaction; Protein Catabolism Rate; photoconvulsive response
abbr., media. Progressive Community Radio
abbr., met. pulverized coal rate
abbr., mil. Packet Completion Rate
abbr., mil., avia. passive covert radar
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Process Control Room
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. project completion report
abbr., O&G, sakh. preparatory check record
abbr., oncol., med. Pediatric Cancer Research
abbr., ophtalm. Posterior Capsular Rent (doktortranslator)
abbr., opt. photoconductive relay
abbr., phys., scient. Preliminary Chain Reaction
abbr., physiol. protein catabolic rate (Игорь_2006)
abbr., plast. Post- Consumer Resin
abbr., post Print Contrast Ratio (evaluation of text and barcode print quality)
abbr., progr. Program Clock Reference (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Pen Character Recognition
abbr., space payload changeover room; payload checkout room
abbr., sport. Primary Contact Recreation
abbr., st.exch. Perini Corporation
energ.ind., abbr. plant control room; power control rapping; principal component regression
genet., abbr. polymerase chain reaction (dimock)
med., abbr. polymerase chain reaction (полимеразная цепная реакция, ПЦР ADol); poly m erase chain reaction
mil., abbr. planning change request; procedure change request; program change request; program control report; publication change request
tech., abbr. payload change out room; plant change request; point-contact rectifier; primary cosmic radiation; processor control register; protective coating report; pulse compression radar
Pcr abbr.
abbr. plasma creatinine (концентрация креатинина в плазме крови Dimpassy)
pCR abbr.
abbr. pathological complete response (Игорь_2006)
PCr abbr.
abbr., med. phosphocreatine
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