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to phrases
urn [ɜ:n] n
gen. urne f
funeral urn [ɜ:n] n
gen. urne funéraire
urns not of precious metal n
gen. urnes non en métaux précieux
 English thesaurus
urn [ɜ:n] n
agric. undermentioned
URN [ɜ:n] abbr.
abbr. Unique Reference Number
abbr., avia. ultra high radio navigation
abbr., ed. unit result notification (уведомление о результате по квалификации Johnny Bravo)
abbr., ed., scient. University Radio Nottingham
abbr., file.ext. Uniform Resource Name/Number
abbr., IT uniform resource name (Bricker)
abbr., med. Uniform Resource Names; Universal Resource Number
abbr., media. Ultimate Read News
abbr., mil. Unsynchronized Random Noise; unit reference number
abbr., progr., IT Uniform Resource Name
abbr., tradem. Union Resources Network
tech. ultrahigh radio navigation
: 6 phrases in 4 subjects
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1