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commun. diffusion
el. émission
gear.tr. commande par engrenages; engrenage; entraînement
law commun. retransmission
mech.eng. changement de vitesse
med. transmission de l'infection; perméance
tech. transmission
| and
gen. ainsi que
| forwarding
IMF. répercussion en aval
| of
gen. en date du..
| radio
environ. radio
| and
gen. ainsi que
| television programmes
 television program
cultur. commun. programme télévisé
| including
law transp. englober
| by
patents. par
| wire, cable
 wire cable
forestr. élingue
| satellite
commun. installation secondaire
- only individual words found

to phrases
transmission [trænz'mɪʃ(ə)n] n
gen. transmission du mouvement; contagion f; organes de transmission (system)
agric. transmission d'une maladie
commun. diffusion f; diffusion audiovisuelle
comp. transfert m
construct. transmission f (line)
el. émission f
forestr. boîte de vitesses
gear.tr. commande par engrenages; engrenage m; entraînement m
health. transmission héréditaire; hérédité f
law, commun. retransmission f
mech.eng. changement de vitesse
med. transmission de l'infection; perméance f
sport. boîte à vitesse
tech. transmission f
transp. transport m
радиоакт. transmission f (of electromagnetic or particle radiation)
transmission documents [trænz'mɪʃ(ə)n] n
patents., engl. transmission documents
 English thesaurus
transmission [trænz'mɪʃ(ə)n] abbr.
abbr., amer. tranny (as in "he totaled the tranny in his new Mercedes SUV" Val_Ships)
abbr., IT tmm
abbr., mil. xmission (Киселев)
abbr., tech. transm
mil., abbr. trans
tech., abbr. tmn; tmtn
transmission and forwarding of radio and television programmes , including by wire, cable, satellite: 1 phrase in 1 subject