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IT outil
comp., MS outil
IT lab.law. outil
mech.eng. petit outillage; machine-outil
fin. outillage
industr. construct. met. fers; pinces
mech.eng. attirail
med. outil de rectification
| order
IT commande
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
tool [tu:l] n
gen. aiguille f; instrument de travail
comp., MS outil f (A utility or feature that aids in accomplishing a task or set of tasks)
construct. outils f
cultur., commun. ciseler
IT, lab.law. outil f
mech.eng. petit outillage; machine-outil f; outil de rabotage; usiner
nat.sc., earth.sc., mech.eng. outillage m; instrument m
tools n
agric. outils à main
agric., mech.eng. objets de travail
fin. outillage m
industr., construct., met. fers m; pinces f
mech.eng. attirail m
med. outil de rectification
social.sc. popote f
Tool [tu:l] n
gen. Fondation Tool pour le développement technique dans les PVD
IT outil f
tools parts of machines n
gen. outils parties de machines
tool [tu:l] v
mech.eng. façonner; machine à usiner; ouvrer; traiter; travailler
tooling ['tu:lɪŋ] v
industr. dorure
industr., construct. usinage
transp., mil., grnd.forc. aller en voiture
 English thesaurus
tool [tu:l] n
water.res. tools
TOOL [tu:l] abbr.
abbr. The Time Of Our Lives; conference on Technology of Object-Orientated Languages and Systems (OOP, Conference)
abbr., ed., scient. Textbook Orders On Line
abbr., relig. Transformation Of Our Lives
TOOL [tu:l] abbr.
abbr., space test-oriented operator language
tool order
: 2 phrases in 1 subject