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 English thesaurus
tl abbr.
abbr. time length
econ. total loss
slang didn't read (Adrax)
TL abbr.
abbr. Timor Leste; Teeny Little; Telecommunication Leadership (standard, QuEST); Thrills The Ladies; Transform and Lighting (3D); Transit Level (Altitude blocks for deconfliction and identification of inbound/outbound air traffic; NATO)
abbr., anim.husb. T lymphocyte
abbr., auto. tubeless (tyre 4uzhoj); test lab; tinted laminated; trailer; tubeless tire; turn signal lamp
abbr., automat. tool
abbr., avia. ticketing time limit; talk listen; taxiway lighting; technical level; test line; theoretical lofting; thrust loading; tilt; tooling liaison; tooling list; track limitation; trunk liner; Trans Mediterranean Airways
abbr., chem., scient. Thallium
abbr., commer. Termination Liability
abbr., comp., net., IT Transport Layer
abbr., dentist. tooth loss (MichaelBurov)
abbr., drw. tangent length
abbr., el., scient. Transmission Loss
abbr., fin. Turkish Lira
abbr., fire. turntable ladder (алешаBG)
abbr., germ., auto. Turbolader
abbr., inet. True Love
abbr., IT Target Language; Type Locality
abbr., med. Thymus Lymphoma; Thymus-leukemia (antigen); Total Lung (capacity); Total Laryngectomy (iwona); temporal lobe; terminal limen; threat to life; thymus leukemia; thymus leukemia antigen.; time lapse; total lipids
abbr., media. The Lattice; True Life
abbr., mil. Trailer Life
abbr., mil., air.def. terminal; track low
abbr., O&G temperature log (MichaelBurov); third party liability (MichaelBurov); TLL (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, karach. trunk line (Leonid Dzhepko)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. low pressure condensate
abbr., O&G, sakh. tangent line
abbr., opt. transforming lens
abbr., phys., scient. Temporal Logic; Top Layer
abbr., physiol., med. Tubal ligation
abbr., polit. Tokelau
abbr., polym. time length
abbr., post Truck Load see also LTL
abbr., progr., IT Top Level
abbr., qual.cont. testing laboratory (igisheva)
abbr., scottish Civil aircraft marking (Central African Republic)
abbr., semicond. tunneling-electron luminescence
abbr., tech. Tan Line (линия сопряжения (обечайки с днищем) xx007)
abbr., transp. The Loop
energ.ind., UN task leader
mil. target list
Tl abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. troctolite
abbr., med. thallium
TL50 abbr.
abbr., mil., WMD median lethal time for animals
tl abbr.
abbr., oil tools
abbr., sport. texas leaguer
TL abbr.
abbr. Total Loss; time limit; trial; thrust line; tie line; Tagalog; temperature leaving; ком. total loss
abbr., automat. transfer line
abbr., avia. Team Leader; transition level
abbr., corp.gov. transaction listing
abbr., el. talk-listen (switch); tally lamp; tape library; temperature-limited; test language; thermal lens; through-line technique; time line; timer lower-order byte; transaction language; transistor logic; trunk load; trilevel; tube loader
abbr., IT transmission level; transmission line
abbr., mil. team leader; traverse level
abbr., mil., avia. target length
abbr., O&G, casp. trunkline (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., oil temperature log
abbr., polym. tubeless
abbr., securit. trade-last
ecol., abbr. tolerance limit
energ.ind., abbr. ambient temperature; technical leadership; thermal load; thermal losses
invest., abbr. time loan
meteorol., abbr. till; thunder and lightning
mil., abbr. technical letter; test laboratory; test load; time lengths; total load; transmittal letter; transporter loader; troop leader
O&G, abbr. telephone
tech., abbr. talk-listen; threshold logic; tracker lock
tech., food.ind. thermoluminescence
transp., abbr. Truckload
TL abbr.
abbr. technical library; tellurium diethyldithiocarbamate; time limiter; title list; time length (min, in minutes)
abbr., avia. terminal location; thrust limit; total life; towing lug
abbr., busin. Trade List; Transport Loaded
abbr., chem. tolidine
abbr., earth.sc. left tibia; thermoluminescence dating method; thermoluminescence spectroscopy; threshold limits; tourmaline
abbr., IT test loop
abbr., manag. Team Lead (Аналог Team Leader, но обычно менее оплачиваемый и, скорее, первый среди равных, чем именно руководитель. Но специфика зависит от конкретной организации.: The Team Lead will be assigned to the Area Manager, and will hold responsibilities specific to the different Fulfillment Center areas. amazon.jobs hizman)
abbr., oil lower transmitter; tank ladder; tanklager; TDT thermal decay time (log) low; tectonic line; terrigenous laminae; test link; thermoluminescence (spectroscopy); tight layers; technical limit; total length; tracer log; transmitter logic
abbr., phys. triboluminescence
abbr., space thrust level; Tian Lian; transfer lines; transient load
: 26 phrases in 6 subjects
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