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time stamp
comp., MS horodatage, date et heure (A certification specifying that a particular message existed at a specific time and date. In a digital context, trusted third parties generate a trusted time stamp for a particular message by having a time stamping service append a time value to a message and then digitally signing the result); horodatage m (A record of the time that a document was created and modified)
UN marquage horodateur; marquage temporel
work.fl., commun. horodatage m; horodate; horodateur m; pointeur temporel; timbre horodateur
work.fl., commun. horodate; pointeur temporel; timbre horodateur; horodatage m; horodateur m
 English thesaurus
Time Stamp
abbr. TS
time- stamp
: 18 phrases in 3 subjects
Information technology3