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crim.law., IT système informatique d'Europol
 English thesaurus
tec [tek] abbr.
abbr. detective; technic; technical; technician; technics; technological; technology
TEC [tek] abbr.
abbr. Technology Education And Capital; Technology Education And Commerce; The Elite Clan; The Evil Clan; Total Employment Cost; Total End Cost; Training And Enterprise Council; Tertiary Education Commission (ННатальЯ); Test Equipment Committee; Text Encoding Converter (Apple); Toledo Edison Company; Topic Elaboration Conclusion (classic paragraph template ArishkaYa); Total Electron Content; Trace Execution Cache (Intel, Pentium, CPU); Transient Electron Current; Tropical Experiment Council
abbr., alum. Timan Engineering Company
abbr., avia. Telemaco Borba, PR, Brazil; temporary equipment configuration; thermal-electric cooler; thermal energy converter; total energy control; trailing edge changes; trailing edge components; turbine exhaust case; turbine exhaust cone
abbr., chem., scient. Thermal Electric Cooler
abbr., corp.gov. travel expense claim
abbr., ed. Technology Education Courses
abbr., ed., scient. Technological Entrepreneurs Club
abbr., el. telephone engineering center; thermoelectric cooler; thermally diffused expanded core (technique); thermionic energy conversion; thermoelectric cooling; three-dimensional epitaxial crystallite; time end code; timing error correction; transferred empty cell; transport error code; triple erasure correction
abbr., el., scient. Thermo Electric Cooling; Threshold Exceeded Condition
abbr., environ. Transport Emergency Card (Zvena)
abbr., EU. Treaty establishing the European Community
abbr., file.ext. Tokyo Electronics Corporation
abbr., HF.electr. thermal electric cooler
abbr., IT TME 10 Enterprise Console
abbr., med. Transfer To Eternal Care I.e. Dead; Transient Erythroblastopenia Of Childhood; total blood eosinophil count
abbr., mil. Tactical ELINT Correlator; Training Extension Course; Test and Evaluation Command (военной техники); theater engineer command; Topographic Engineering Center (LyuFi); Tactical Evacuation Care (Nu Zdravstvuy)
abbr., physiol. Tubular Epithelial Cell
abbr., progr. transmit error counter (ssn)
abbr., radio total electron content
abbr., relig. Technology And Education For Christ; Teens Encounter Christ; To Encounter Christ; Together Encountering Christ
abbr., scient. Technical Education Certificate
abbr., st.exch. Commercial Intertech Corporation
abbr., surg. thromboembolic complication (MichaelBurov); venous thromboembolic complication (MichaelBurov); VTEC (MichaelBurov)
abbr., textile total easy care
abbr., transp. Total Engine Control; Trim Efficiency Control
astr. Transearth Coast
comp. transceiver echo canceller
energ.ind. test, evaluation and control; total energy company; total energy consumption
mil. tactical exercise control; target engagement console; target entry console; technical education center; temporary engineering change; test and evaluation control; test equipment center; track evaluation computer; training evaluation and control; training exercise coordinator; training extension course; type equipment code
tech. thermal expansion coefficient; thermionic energy converter; total error corrector; total estimated cost; total exchange capacity
Tec. abbr.
abbr. technical
abbr., commer. technician
TEC [tek] abbr.
abbr. thermo-electric cooling; Tokyo Electric Co.
abbr., avia. thermo-electric cooler
abbr., busin. Treaty of Economic Cooperation
abbr., chem. ternary eutectic chloride
abbr., comp. typical electricity consumption (stachel)
abbr., comp.name. Tennessee Eastman Company; Toyo Engineering Corp.; Trans American Energy Corp.
abbr., earth.sc. telemetry and command; total expected cost
abbr., electric. tube encased cable (Jenny1801)
abbr., multimed. telephony echo canceller
abbr., O&G. tech. Tubing Encased Conductor (проводник/кабель в оболочке в виде трубы S. Manyakin); Tubing Encapsulated Cable (S. Manyakin)
abbr., oil Technology Export Co.; thermal extraction chromatography; total engineering concept; triethyl citrate; tubular encased conductor; twin edge cutter; two-ends-closed
abbr., space TOS evaluation center
abbr., tech. Type Examination Certificate (AlexanderGerasimov)
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects
Materials science2