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Te [tiː] n
nucl.phys. tellure m; Te m
 English thesaurus
te [tiː] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. teallite; tierce
unit.meas. tonne (igisheva)
TE [tiː] abbr.
abbr. Telugu; Top Executive; Total Expenditure; Total Expenses; Electron Temperature; Table Expression; tables of equipment; Tacoma Eastern Railway Company; Tactical Exploitation; Tank Economy; tax exempt; Technical Commission; Teileinheit (Единица ширины. 1 TE = 5,08 мм eugene02130); Temperament Edit; Terminal Exchanges; Termination Enable; test and evaluate; testing; Thermal Eagle; thermal element; Thoroughly Educated; Throat Erosion; Tilt End; totally enclosed; Trace Evidence; Tractor England; trade expenses; Transmission Encryption; Transposon Excision; Treachery Element; Triggered Effects; Trunk Encryption; Trunk Equalizers; Tutor Evaluator
abbr., auto. thermal expansion; test; thermactor emission; tractive efficiency; transmission efficiency; trapping efficiency
abbr., avia. technical exchange; test engineering; tool engineer; tooling equipment; transporter emplace; turbine engines; turbofan engines; turboprop engine; twin engine
abbr., biochem. tocopherol equivalent (igisheva)
abbr., biol. transposable element
abbr., biotechn. Tissue Equivalent (Игорь_2006)
abbr., chem. Toxicity Equivalent (Leya-Richter)
abbr., chem., scient. Tellurium
abbr., commun. terminal equipment; terminal or terminating equipment; terminating exchange
abbr., dent.impl. Tapered Effect (MichaelBurov)
abbr., ed., scient. Technology And Engineering
abbr., el. table entry; telecommunications entity; telemetry event; telepresence environment; terminal emulation; terminal emulator; terminal endpoint; terminal extender; termination exchange; test execution; testing envelope; text editing; text editor; thermal electric; thermal emission; thermionic emission; threshold element; time edit; time error; timing error; tracking equipment; transferred electron (cathode); transition equation; transmission enable; transmitted electrons; transparent electrode; transversal equalizer; trigger error; trunk equipment; trunk expansion; tuning eye; transverse electric (mode)
abbr., el., scient. Top Electrode; Total Efficiency; Transverse Electric
abbr., electr.eng. telemetering equipment
abbr., IT Terminal Equipment; Type Entry
abbr., med. Transesophageal Echocardiography; Tissue Engineering; tissue equalization (harser); alpha-tocopherol equivalent; test ear; threshold energy; tooth, extracted; total estrogen; transverse; Toxoplasmic encephalitis
abbr., med.appl. Echo time (Sagoto)
abbr., media. Text Element
abbr., mil. Technical Evaluation; Test Edition; Test Equipment; Third Eye; Tracking Error; table of equipment; test and evaluation; transporter-erector; transaction editor
abbr., mil., air.def. transverse electro
abbr., mil., WMD Technical escort; Temperature Element
abbr., mol.gen. jumping gene (MichaelBurov); transposable element (a mobile genetic element MichaelBurov)
abbr., nautic. task element
abbr., O&G, oilfield. TurboExpander (Yakov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. transit exchange
abbr., oil twin-engined
abbr., opt. thermoelectric
abbr., pharma. tuberculin unit (ProtoMolecule)
abbr., physiol., med. Tamper Evident
abbr., polit. Tromelin Island
abbr., post Transitional Employees (USPS, 2008)
abbr., progr., IT Table Editor
abbr., scottish Tactical Evaluation; Trailing Edge
abbr., soil. terrace
abbr., sport. Team Effort; Team Efforts; Tournament Edition; testosterone enanthate (bigmaxus)
abbr., st.exch. TECO Energy, Inc.
abbr., tech. trailing edge
abbr., telecom. terminal equipment
abbr., transp. Traffic Engineering; Tunnel Endpoint
comp. traffic efficiency
energ.ind. target emission; test exception; tissue-equivalent; trace element; transient event; treated effluent
mil. tactical element; tactical employment; tactical environment; tangent elevation; tank element; target elevation; target evaluation; task evaluation; telecommunication engineering; terminal exchange; test equipment; threat evaluation; topographical engineer; training equipment; training establishment
physiol. Therapeutic exercises
tech. telemetric equipment; thermal efficiency; timing electronics; tractive effort; transducer efficiency; transferred electron; transversely excited
Te [tiː] abbr.
abbr. Teylor criterion
abbr., earth.sc. tetrahedrite
abbr., el. telluride
abbr., med. tellurium; tetanus; tetanic contraction
tel [tiː] n
insur. Telegram
TE [tiː] abbr.
abbr. time-to-echo (coltuclu); transverse electric wave; telegraphic engineer; topographic engineer; trial and error (method)
abbr., avia. tool engineering
abbr., busin. tax exemption; telegraphic exchange; time-expired; total earnings; Train Express; transport empty; turbine engine; twin engines
abbr., chem. tetracyanoethylene
abbr., earth.sc. tectonic extension; temperature-efficiency index; time and events; total earning; total error; transverse-electric; trap efficiencies; trial and error method; turboelectric drive
abbr., ed. tertiary education (igisheva)
abbr., el. trial and error (method)
abbr., med. treatment-emergent (iwona)
abbr., met. threaded ends (Киселев)
abbr., oil early Tertiary; echo spacing; echo timing; echo train; tax exemption; tech service engineer; thermal effluent; thread end; throughout efficiencies; time expired; top eroded; total enclosed; total energy; transportation and exchange; transverse-electric (wave); truncation erosion; reservoir thickness after erosion
abbr., sport. Tennis Europe
abbr., telecom. transverse electric mode
TE [tiː] abbr.
abbr., med. transient elastography (spanishru)
: 31 phrases in 10 subjects
Antennas and waveguides1
Nuclear physics5
Piezoelectric crystals2
Радиоактивное излучение1