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comp., MS Prise
agric. construct. ramassage; ramasser
chess.term. prise
radio prise de vue
| the law
 the law
gen. la justice; la loi; la légalité
| in own hands
 in own hands
law en mains propres
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
taking ['teɪkɪŋ] n
agric., construct. ramassage m
chess.term. prise m
radio prise de vue en télévision
takings ['teɪkɪŋz] n
econ. recettes f
taking ['teɪkɪŋ] v
agric., construct. ramasser
Taken ['teikən] v
comp., MS Prise (A button that specifies the date the picture was taken)
 English thesaurus
taking ['teɪkɪŋ] n
vulg. piss
taking the law in own hands
: 1 phrase in 1 subject