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gen. cocarde; insigne
comp. connexion; raccordement; label; balise; tag
dat.proc. zone; étiquette de champ; champ
| switching
transp. mil., grnd.forc. manoeuvrer
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
tag [tæg] n
gen. cocarde f; insigne m
chem. marquer m
comp. connexion f; raccordement m; label m; balise f (of HTML); tag m (of the message blocs in the network); marque d’état; label d’état
med. fibroma molluscum (molluscum pendulum, molluscum simplex); dermatofibrome m (molluscum pendulum, molluscum simplex); acrochordon m (molluscum pendulum, molluscum simplex); molluscum pendulum (molluscum pendulum, molluscum simplex)
met. fragment métallique
pack. étiquette à attacher; étiquette à œillets; étiquette à ficelle; étiquette volante
tag of field [tæg] n
dat.proc. zone par extension; étiquette de champ; champ par extension
tag [tæg] n
gen. étiquette de prix
agric. pendentif m
commun., health., anim.husb. attache f
commun., IT ferret m; marqueur m
comp., MS mot-clé m (One or more characters containing information about a file, record type, or other structure); marquer m (To apply a marker to content or items (like photos or text) to identify certain types of information); identifier (To apply a marker to content or items (like photos or text) to identify certain types of information); balise f (A marker used to identify a physical object. An RFID tag is an electronic marker that stores identification data); étiqueter (To apply an identification marker to an item, case, or pallet); repère m (A geometrical arrangement of shapes that define a value that the Surface Vision System can recognize. These geometrical arrangements are added to physical objects (then called tagged objects) to work with Surface applications (for example, a glass tile that acts as a puzzle piece in a puzzle application)); identité f (A marker that can be applied to content or items (like photos or text) to identify certain types of information. This allows the user to find, view and sort tagged items with ease)
comp., MS, Canada identification f (A marker that can be applied to content or items (like photos or text) to identify certain types of information. This allows the user to find, view and sort tagged items with ease)
industr., construct. cosse f; papillon m
IT balise f; étiquette de zone
law bracelet électronique
social.sc., hobby graff m; inscription murale faite à l'aérosol
social.sc., hobby, engl. tag m
tech. étiquette f; index m; drapeau m
tech., construct. plaque de repère
transp. bout m
to tag [tæg] n
IT marquer m
tagging ['tægɪŋ] v
agric. étiquetage
IT balisage; taggage
nat.sc. formation d'une piste radar; initialisation d'une piste radar; établissement d'une piste radar
 English thesaurus
TAG [tæg] abbr.
abbr. telecomputer application group; Teambuilding Adventure And Growth; Technical Assistance Group; Technician Affiliate Group; Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia; The Atlanta Gathering; Target Actions Group; Target Aimpoint Graphic; Teacher Assistance Given; TEMPEST Advisory Group; The Adjutant General; Theater Army Group; Thomas Aircraft Group; Transaction Analysis Graphics; Transfer Admission Guarantee Program (ННатальЯ)
abbr., avia. tactical air group; tactical aircraft group; Tagbilaran, Philippines; tactical airlift group; telegraphist air gunner; telescoped ammunition gun; thrust alleviated gyroscope
abbr., avia., med. trans-cockpit authority gradient
abbr., earth.sc. total available generation; Trans-Atlantic Geotraverse
abbr., ecol. Trans-Atlantic Geo-Traverse
abbr., ed. Talented And Gifted; Teacher Advisor Group; Tuition Aid Grant
abbr., ed., scient. Transfer Admission Guarantee
abbr., el. the acronym generator; transient analysis generator; technical advisory group
abbr., food.ind. triacylglycerol (Yerkwantai)
abbr., hack. Threat Analysis Group (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., IT DataFlex Query Tag name; Terminal Access Controller; technical architecture group
abbr., lab.eq. TriAcylGlycerol
abbr., law Tactical Assault Group
abbr., med. target-attaching globulin; Thalassemia Action Group
abbr., mil. technical assistance group; the adjutant general; Tomahawk land-attack missile aimpoint graphic; Technical Advisory Group; Troop Action Guidance
abbr., mil., WMD Transatlantic Center
abbr., nautic., scient. Trans Atlantic Geotraverse
abbr., oil Tagliabue hydrometer; Tagliabue viscosimeter; Trans-Atlantic Geotraverse (program); Trans-Austria Gasline
abbr., physiol., med. Topical Antimicrobial Gel
abbr., police Tactical Aid Group
abbr., progr. tree-adjoining grammar (ssn)
abbr., railw. Norfolk Southern Railway Company
abbr., relig. The Ares Gods
abbr., scottish Target Adaptive Guidance circuit; Telescoped-Ammunition Gun; Towed Acoustic Generator; Training Advisory Group (UK)
abbr., space target aim point graphic; thrust-alleviated gyroscope
abbr., sport. Take And Give
abbr., st.exch. Tag- It Pac, Inc.
abbr., transp. Tactical Air Group; Transportation Acronym Guide; Transportation Alternatives Group
energ.ind. test assembly grapple
mil. tactical airlift group; technical assessment group; telemetry-system analysis group; terminating and grounding; test analysis guide; training aids guide; transport air group
tech. Tag Tagliabue; technical assessment guide; telecomputer applications group
Игорь Миг, abbr., sec.sys. Tactical Assault Group
tag [tæg] abbr.
O&G tongued-and-grooved
Tag [tæg] abbr.
abbr., oil Tagliabue
tag: 211 phrases in 36 subjects
Animal husbandry3
Data processing4
Earth sciences3
Fish farming pisciculture2
Fishery fishing industry2
Health care3
Information technology34
Materials science1
Mechanic engineering4
Medical appliances1
Mineral products1
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation2
Natural sciences4
Obsolete / dated1
Social science2
Work flow1