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stp abbr.
abbr. Standard temperature & pressure; step
abbr., busin. stoppage
avia. stop
O&G stopper
O&G, sakh. standard temperature and pressure (60° F and 14.696 psia)
stp. abbr.
abbr., libr. stamped
STP abbr.
abbr. Short Term Plan; SAGE system training program; Same Ten People; Sanctae Theologiae Professor; Scenario Tables Pool; Secret Tweeker Pad; See The People; Segmenting Targeting And Positioning; Selective Tape Print; Self Test Problem; Serenity Tranquillity And Peace; Service Traffic Position; Service Transformation Project; Services Transaction Program (IBM); sewage treatment plant (SEIC ABelonogov); signaling transfer points; simultaneous tracking processor; simplified technical proposal (ADB MAMOHT); Site Transition Plan; Small Team Project; Smothers Tackles Punches; Software Through Pictures; stamp; Standard Plan (Yeldar Azanbayev); Standard Temperative and Pressure; Standard Temperature and Pressure see >; Stomp The Petroleum; Stones Touring Party; Straight To Paper; Strategic Technology Planning; Student Top Performance; Study, Teach, Pray; Stuffing The Pipe; Stupid Tubby Principal; Sulfate Transport Protein; Summer Training Program; System Training Program; Sodium ThioPental
abbr., auto. stop lamp; switch to power
abbr., avia. software test procedures; satellite test program; scrap tag processing; Seattle test program; self test program; special tool-production; standard test program; standard tooling part; standardize test program; system technology program; system temperature and pressure; System Test Plan
abbr., busin. steel high-pressure seamless pipe; straw pulp
abbr., cables screened twisted pair cable (MichaelBurov); ScTP (MichaelBurov); ScTP cable (MichaelBurov); shielded twisted pair cable (MichaelBurov); STP cable (MichaelBurov)
abbr., chem., scient. Standard Temperature And Pressure
abbr., commun. signalling transfer point; signalling transfer point
abbr., comp. stop character
abbr., comp., net. screened twisted pair (MichaelBurov); shielded twisted pair (MichaelBurov); Shielded Twisted Pairs; shielded twisted-pair
abbr., corp.gov. straight-through processing
abbr., data.prot. Security Test Plan
abbr., earth.sc. solar terrestrial physics
abbr., el. service transaction program; scanning thermal profiler; scanning tunneling potentiometry; software technology parks; structural test product; systems technology program; system task processor
abbr., fant./sci-fi. Stone Temple Pilots
abbr., file.ext. ISO-10303 STEP product data; Secure Transfer Protocol; Synchronized Transaction Processing
abbr., geogr. ___
abbr., IT Shielded Twisted Pair; Signal Transfer Point; Signaling Transfer Point; Software Technology Park; Spanning Tree Protocol; Straight Through Processing; shielded twisted-pair wiring; Software Testing Program
abbr., lab.eq. Short-Term Potentiation; Standard Temperature and Pressure
abbr., med. Society Of Toxicologic Pathologists
abbr., media. Stop The Presses
abbr., mil. Segmentation Targeting And Positioning; Short Term Project; Software Test Plan; security technical procedure
abbr., mil., avia. SAGE system training program
abbr., mil., WMD Standing Test Procedure
abbr., nautic., scient. Science and Technology Policy
abbr., O&G Senior Toolpusher (yulia_ry)
abbr., O&G, oilfield. submerged turret production (The STP system is a unique, innovative and flexible turret mooring system for floating production and offtake vessels (FPSO) making it suitable for a wide range of applications. Kenny Gray)
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. sanitary treatment plant
abbr., oil sanitary treatment package; Sao Tome and Principle; sea water treatment plant; sodium tripolyphosphate; speed/temperature/pressure; surface treatment pressure
abbr., opt. standard thermal profile
abbr., physiol. Sexually Transmitted Phosphates; Short Term Plasticity; Standard Temperature and Pulse; Superficial ThromboPhlebitis
abbr., polym. Special Technical Publication
abbr., progr. spanning tree protocol (ssn)
abbr., qual.cont. system test plan; system test procedure; standard test protocol (igisheva)
abbr., scottish Sensor Track Processor; Short term plan; Soldiers Training Publication; Space Test Payload / Program (USA); Status Test Panel; Systems Technology Programme
abbr., sec.sys., IT Secret Tweaker Pad
abbr., sol.pow. helio-thermal plant (<редк.> MichaelBurov); heliothermal plant (<редк.> MichaelBurov); solar thermal plant (MichaelBurov); solar thermal station (MichaelBurov); thermal solar power plant (MichaelBurov); thermal solar power station (MichaelBurov); Solar Thermal Power
abbr., space satellite transport protocol; self-test program; short-term planning; signal transport point; solar terrestrial programme; space technology payload; space technology program satellite; system-test procedure
abbr., tech. scientifically treated petroleum; steam turbine plant (MichaelBurov); support training program
abbr., tradem. Scientifically Treated Petroleum
abbr., transp. Sailing To Philadelphia; Seattle To Portland; Surface Transportation Program
abbr., vet.med., med. Society of Toxicologic Pathology
energ.ind. shutdown transfer panel; special test program
invest. specialized tender panel
med. signal transduction protein
mil. scientific and technical potential; security technology program; selection and test plan; simultaneous track processor; soldier training publication; space test program; standard test procedure; standardized test program; strategic target planning; subsystem test plan; systems training program
physiol. Standard temperature and pulse
tech. satellite tracking program; short-term program; shuttle test program; space-time processor; standard test procedures; surveillance test procedure
.STP abbr.
abbr. application/STEP
Stp abbr.
abbr. stilpnomelane
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1