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noun | verb | to phrases
stacks n
gen. magasin m (bookstacks; An area of shelves in a library); magasins m (bookstacks; An area of shelves in a library); réserve f (bookstacks; An area of shelves in a library)
agric. piles f
stack [stæk] n
agric. tas de gerbes; vieillotte; entasser; meule f; meule de foin; moyette f
agric., tech. staque f
chem. forge f
commun. magasin à livres; empiler m
comp. cave m; mémoire-cave m; mémoire d'empilage
comp., MS pile f (A region of reserved memory, organized as a stack, in which programs temporarily store status data such as procedure and function call return addresses, passed parameters, and local variables); empilement m (A feature that lets you position two or more objects so that there is a specific amount of space between them vertically or horizontally)
construct. colonne f; conduite verticale; cheminée d'usine; cheminée f (sa construction, conduite et marbrerie); stock m
earth.sc. bloc d'émulsions photographiques; pile de pellicules; empilement m; grouper en faisceau
environ. cheminée f
forestr. mettre en piles; pile de bois
hi.energ. empilement de pellicules; chambre d'émulsion
industr., construct., met. pile de verre; carotte f
IT, tech. pile f
life.sc., industr. empilement d'événements de transformation
mater.sc. mise en pile; empilage m
mater.sc., mech.eng. gerber
nucl.phys., радиоакт. empilement m (of nuclear emulsions)
pack. tas m; tasser
tech. aiguille m (littoral)
tech., industr., construct. lisse m
tech., met. cuve f
transp. file f; pile d'attente; étagement m
радиоакт. empilement de pellicules (of nuclear emulsions); pile de pellicules (of nuclear emulsions); chambre d'émulsion (of nuclear emulsions); bloc d'émulsions photographiques (of nuclear emulsions)
stack The portion of a chimney rising above the roof [stæk] n
environ. cheminées, conduites et gaines d"évacuation
stack [stæk] v
gen. mettre en meules
agric. chevrotte
IT mémoire à liste inverse
IT, tech. liste inversée; liste refoulée; mémoire à liste inversée
stacking ['stækɪŋ] v
gen. empilement
agric. entassement; enstérage
agric., chem., mech.eng. encarrassage; gerbage
construct. implantation
industr., construct., met. empilage
transp. échelonnement des arrivées; échelonnement des avions; échelonnement des atterrissages
transp., polit. superposition; étagement du trafic
stacking of containers ['stækɪŋ] v
insur. gerbage des conteneurs
 English thesaurus
stack [stæk] n
mus.instr. head and cab stack (The main difference between a combo amp and a head and cab is that one comes with a built-in speaker. A combo amp provides a player with an amplifier and speaker all in one case. The head and cab are separate products. They need to be connected together in order to obtain the same result. ); head and cab (The main difference between a combo amp and a head and cab is that one comes with a built-in speaker. A combo amp provides a player with an amplifier and speaker all in one case. The head and cab are separate products. They need to be connected together in order to obtain the same result. )
avia., Canada A number of aircraft holding at a common fix with vertical separation
STACK [stæk] abbr.
abbr., ed. Students Teach Adults Computer Knowledge
telecom. Start Acknowledgment
Stack [stæk] abbr.
abbr., oil stach yodes
: 392 phrases in 45 subjects
Antennas and waveguides2
Chemical fibers1
Cycling other than sport1
Earth sciences2
Energy industry3
Fish farming pisciculture1
High energy physics5
Information technology21
Labor organization2
Life sciences4
Materials science14
Mechanic engineering14
Municipal planning7
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation14
Natural sciences1
Nuclear physics10
Pest control1
Physical sciences2
Power electronics1
United Nations1
Радиоактивное излучение3