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earth.sc. life.sc. pente de la ligne d'eau
forestr. incliner
geogr. côte
life.sc. pente de talus; inclinaison de talus
nautic. econ. pente d'un versant; gradient hydraulique; gradient; pente hydraulique
tech. industr. construct. dévers transversal
| of
gen. en date du..
| lift curve
 lift curve
transp. polit. polaire
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
slope [sləup] n
astr. coefficient angulaire
chem. courbure f; tendance f; propension f; rampe f
construct. pente de la surface de l'eau chute (of a river); chute f (of a roof); pente f (of a roof); pan de toit; versant m; berge glacis; rampe f (en montant); glacis m (de corniche); de pente; de talus; devers
earth.sc., life.sc. pente de la ligne d'eau
forestr. incliner m
geogr. côte f (colline)
life.sc. pente de talus; inclinaison de talus; angle de talus; pente de berge
med. inclinaison f (d'une courbe); pente d'une courbe
met. plongée f; puits plat; descenderie f
nautic., econ. pente d'un versant; gradient hydraulique; gradient m; pente hydraulique
tech., industr., construct. dévers transversal
transp., agric. pente du terrain
slope [sləup] v
life.sc. inclinaison de berge
sloping ['sləupɪŋ] v
IT, construct. talutage
slope [sləup] adj.
coal., construct. excavation souterraine en gradins
crim.law., law, int. law. inclinaison
el. dénivellement
environ. déclivité
scient. coëfficient angulaire
tech. cale d'accostage; pente; talus; plan incliné; versant (massif)
tech., industr., construct. dévers
slope The inclined surface of any part of the Earth's surface, as a hillslope; also, a broad part of a continent descending toward an ocean, as the Pacific slope [sləup] adj.
environ. pente
 English thesaurus
slope [sləup] abbr.
abbr., avia. GAMMA-A
abbr., oil m
SLOPE [sləup] abbr.
abbr., math., scient. Smashed Lost Or Pulverized Eventually
slope of lift curve
: 1 phrase in 1 subject