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scam [skæm] n
comp., MS hameçonnage m (A fraudulent business scheme; a swindle)
 English thesaurus
scam [skæm] n
amer. fraud (афера: an insurance scam Val_Ships)
slang swindle (Don't lose your money in some kind of scam)
SCAM [skæm] abbr.
abbr. Still Can't Access Mine!; The Social Creative Association of Marketing; Scsi Configured Auto Matically; Smart Card Analyzer And Manipulator; Spectrum Characteristics Analysis and Measurement
abbr., comp., IT Sharp Color Active Matrix
abbr., ed., scient. Stanford Copy Analysis Mechanism; Suffolk College Alternative Music
abbr., el. SCSI configured automatically (support); subcarrier amplitude modulation; synchronous communications access method
abbr., file.ext. SCSI Configuration Automatically
abbr., IT SCSI Configured AutoMatically; Smart Card Analyzer and Manipulator
abbr., med. Substituted Cysteine Accessibility Method; Substituted-cysteine accessibility method
abbr., media. Sports Cyber Arts Music
abbr., mil., avia. strike air camera
abbr., monk. Scale Combat Aircraft Modelers
abbr., mus. Skin, Cass, Ace, Mark
abbr., progr., IT Simple Compiler to Assembly for Mips; Simple Configure for Automatic Makefiles
abbr., scottish Strike Camera
meteorol. scanning microwave spectrometer
mil. subsonic cruise armed missile/decoy; subsonic cruise attack missile; system cost analysis model
tech. system costs analysis model
: 5 phrases in 3 subjects