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UN gen. portée
agric. brigade
fin. plage de fluctuation
health. aire d'extension; aire de répartition
industr. construct. bande de croupon
life.sc. ensemble des valeurs
life.sc. environ. aire de distribution
nat.sc. agric. terrain de parcours
transp. base de lancement
| cookers
mater.sc. cuiseur
| grates, fires
 grate firing
coal. chem. combustion en couche
| and other
 and others
commun. et collègues
| space
IT dat.proc. caractère espace
| heaters
environ. appareil de chauffage
| gas -rings
 gas ring
mech.eng. segment d'étanchéité
| plate warmers
 plate warmers
gen. chauffe-plats
with | burners
mech.eng. roue d'injection
| wash
chem. lavage
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
range [reɪnʤ] n
agric. brigade f
anal.chem. étendue f (of the results)
chem. série f; file f; progression f
chess.term. disposer
comp. rangée f
construct. assortiment m; alignement m; bande f
fin. plage de fluctuation
forestr. vaines pâtures
health. aire d'extension; aire de répartition; champ m (d'une enquête); distribution f
IMF. intervalle de variation
industr., construct. bande de croupon
life.sc. ensemble des valeurs
life.sc., environ. aire de distribution
ling. éventail m; tessiture f
nat.res. pâturage m; pâturage naturel; aire f; aire de distribution géographique
nat.sc., agric. terrain de parcours
patents. joindre f
transp. base de lancement
UN rayon m
радиоакт. parcours m (of a particle)
mountain range [reɪnʤ] n
gen. chaîne de montagnes
Range [reɪnʤ] n
UN portée f; rayon m
shooting range [reɪnʤ] n
gen. stand m (de tir)
nominal range [reɪnʤ] n
el., meas.inst. calibre nominal
range [reɪnʤ] v
comp., MS portée (The range of a light. Objects that are within the range will be lit by the light. Objects beyond the range of the light will not be lit by the light. Range properties only apply to the Spot Light and Point Light)
UN portée, rayon
ranges v
med. séries
 English thesaurus
range [reɪnʤ] n
metrol. The region of the values between the upper and lower limits of the quantity under consideration - usually used with a modifier, e.g. temperature range, measuring range
mil., abbr. rg; rge; rn
ranges, cookers, grates, fires and other space heaters, gas -rings, plate warmers with burners, wash: 1 phrase in 1 subject