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quartermaster ['kwɔ:tə'mɑ:stə] n
equest.sp. intendant m
lab.law., transp. timonier m
mil., logist. commissaire m
UN, tech. intendance f
 English thesaurus
quartermaster ['kwɔ:tə'mɑ:stə] n
mil., logist. Officer whose special status falls within the province of the quartermaster corps with the functions of a public officer ex officio tasked with the drafting and testifying of genuine certificates in particular registry and enlistment ones, with the drafting of the minutes concerning funds and equipment and with the checking of the finances of the units benefiting by the cheap expenses system and, acting on the commander’s authority, with the checking of administrative matters. Quartermasters are directly responsible to the minister for the checking of accounts. They have their own stamp with their name engraved. (FRA)
quartermaster: 4 phrases in 3 subjects
United Nations1