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noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
prop [prɔp] n
gram. élément postiche; explétif; mot explétif; symbole postiche
prop [prɔp] v
gen. bos d'fer; bois; butte; contre-fiche
agric. carasson; tuteur; échalas
avia., Canada hélice
construct. bracon; poussard; aisselier; étai
hobby, cultur. accessoire; décor; toile de fond
industr., construct. montant; étançon
industr., construct., met. colonne
med. support
stat., agric. étai de mine; bois de mine
transp. accore
wood. contrefiche; tournisse
props not of metal [prɔps] v
gen. étais non métalliques; étançons non métalliques; étrésillons
to prop [prɔp] v
coal. soutenir
construct. étayer
propping v
construct. étaiement
life.sc., el. soutènement; soutènement de la fracture
props [prɔps] v
transp., construct. accores; épontilles
prop [prɔp] abbr.
build.struct. accotoir; jambe; poteau; soutien
construct. soutenir (up)
met. béquille (du cubilot)
 English thesaurus
Prop [prɔp] abbr.
abbr., med. propionate
abbr., oil propping agent
prop [prɔp] abbr.
abbr. propaganda
abbr., busin. property; proposal; proprietary; proprietor
abbr., earth.sc. propulsion
avia. propeller
biol. propagation
cinema Anything an actor touches or uses on the set; e.g. phones, guns, cutlery, etc. Movie animals and all food styling food seen or eaten on set/screen also fall into this domain. See also property assistant and set dresser.
O&G proportional
progr. property (Alex_Odeychuk)
school.sl. proposition
prop. abbr.
abbr. proprietor; propeller; proposition
abbr., commer. proposed; proprietary
abbr., econ. property>>¹
polym. property
PROP [prɔp] abbr.
abbr. propelled; propelling
abbr., auto. propane
abbr., avia. propeller aircraft; performance review for operating program; propellant
abbr., commer. proposed
abbr., el. primary operand pipeline; profit rating of project
abbr., file.ext. Profit Rating Of Projects
abbr., mil. Propeller
abbr., mil., avia. planetary rocket ocean platform
abbr., oil propping agents
abbr., scottish Preservation of the Rights of Prisoners
abbr., tradem. Professional Recyclers Of Pennsylvania
mil. predicted orbit
prop: 116 phrases in 19 subjects
Hobbies and pastimes2
Life sciences2
Materials science1
Mechanic engineering6
Natural sciences2