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promissory note ['prɒmɪsǝrɪˌnǝʊt]
bank., fin. promesse f
busin., labor.org., account. billet à ordre en circulation
comp., MS billet à ordre (A source document that documents an agreement between two parties based on an understanding that one party will commit to paying the other party at a specified time or on demand)
fin. billet à ordre
IMF. billet m (valeurs mobilières); effet m; bon m; obligation f
law billet m
Promissory note ['prɒmɪsǝrɪˌnǝʊt]
gen. Billet я ordre
 English thesaurus
promissory note ['prɒmɪsǝrɪˌnǝʊt]
abbr. pro note
abbr., econ. pn
law A written document that says a person promises to pay money to another
promissory note
: 10 phrases in 5 subjects
International Monetary Fund1