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comp., MS Processus
comp., MS processus
industr. procédé
IT dat.proc. processus
law acte de procédure; acte de signification
ling. procès
mech.eng. usiner
med. traiter
tech. traiter
| map
environ. cartographie
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
process ['prəuses AmE: ˈprɑˌsɛs] n
gen. usage m
agric. transformer; traiter
chem. technique f; méthode f; action f; phénomène m; têtes f; effet m; influence f; marche f; réaction f; traitement m
comp. chargement m
comp., MS processus m (The virtual address space and the control information necessary for the execution of a program)
construct. technologique
industr. procédé m
IT, dat.proc. processus m
IT, tech. processus technique
law acte de procédure; acte de signification; acte d'assignation en justice
ling. procès
mech.eng. usiner
med. procès (processus); apophyse f (processus)
med.appl. procédé de mesure
tech. traiter des informations, des photographies, etc. (to)
telecom. éditer
to process ['prəuses AmE: ˈprɑˌsɛs] n
gen. transformer
mech.eng. usiner
med. traiter
Process ['prəuses AmE: ˈprɑˌsɛs] n
comp., MS Processus m (A SmartArt graphic layout type that includes layouts designed to show steps in a process or timeline)
processes n
fin. processus m
process [prəˈses] v
mech.eng. façonner; ouvrer; travailler
welf. s'occuper de
processing ['prəusesɪŋ] v
gen. préparation; exploitation
agric. fonte; usinage
cultur., transp. developpement
environ. reconditionnement
industr. transformation
industr., construct. d.a.t.d.e.
IT traitement
life.sc., coal. façonnage
med. maturation moléculaire
stat., cust., fin. opération de perfectionnement
to process [prəˈses] v
mech.eng. façonner; ouvrer; travailler
processing The act of converting material from one form into another desired form ['prəusesɪŋ] v
environ. traitement
 English thesaurus
process ['prəuses] abbr.
abbr. proc; pro (Vosoni)
IT Generally, a collection of activities influenced by the enterprise’s policies and procedures that takes inputs from a number of sources, including other processes, manipulates the inputs and produces outputs (Processes have clear business reasons for existing, accountable owners, clear roles and responsibilities around the execution of the process, and the means to measure performance)
mil., logist. Method adapted to the prevailing conditions by which an effect is achieved or a goal is reached. It is the sum of the elementary actions which have to be accomplished simultaneously or successively. (FRA)
PROCESS ['prəuses] abbr.
abbr. Proactive Response Of Cargill Employees Securing Safety
process map
: 1 phrase in 1 subject