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permafrost ['pɜ:məfrɔst] n
gen. pergélisol m
construct. congélation perpétuelle; sol glacé permanent; terrain glacé permanent
earth.sc. sol gelé en permanence
environ. permagel m
forestr. permafrost m; tjale m
nat.res. sol gelé en profondeur
Permafrost ['pɜ:məfrɔst] n
UN, clim. permagel m
 English thesaurus
permafrost ['pɜ:məfrɔst] abbr.
abbr. permanently frozen ground
PERMAFROST ['pɜ:məfrɔst] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. permanently frost
permafrost: 17 phrases in 4 subjects
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation3
Soil science2