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gen. laissez-passer
chem. passade
hobby transp. carte; permis
met. passe
tech. col; défilé
tech. coal. passage
| time
comp., MS heure

noun | verb | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
pass [pɑ:s] n
gen. être admis; faire une passe (the ball)
chem. cordon de soudure
el. passage d'un satellite
leave pass [pɑ:s] n
gen. titre de permission
pass [pɑ:s] v
gen. passer parole
passing ['pɑ:sɪŋ] v
transp. dépassement; rencontre
pass [pɑ:s] adj.
gen. laissez-passer; transformer; permission; carte permanente
chem. passade
comp. pas
footb. faire des passes répétées
hobby, transp. carte; permis
law approuver les comptes; faire approuver un état de compte; faire passer des marchandises pour autre chose; faire passer; passer le bastingage; passer le bastingage du navire; procéder à une homologation de comptes; rendre compte
met. passe; rainure de cylindre
nucl.phys., радиоакт. traverser (a material, said of a particle or electromagnetic radiation, de la matière)
pack. opération; suite des opérations; cycle
row. avancer; doubler
sail. dépasser
sport. devancer; couper
stat. coup; cours
tech. col; défilé
tech., coal. passage
textile balayage; cycle de travail
transp. couche; abonnement; abonnement à vue; billet à validité limitée dans le temps; carte de validation; passed'outil
w.polo. servir; passer
радиоакт. passer (a material, said of a particle or electromagnetic radiation); pénétrer (a material, said of a particle or electromagnetic radiation, une matière)
to pass a bill [pɑ:s] adj.
law adopter
 English thesaurus
PASS [pɑ:s] abbr.
abbr. Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences (MichaelBurov)
pass [pɑ:s] abbr.
abbr. passivated (Mumma)
PASS [pɑ:s] abbr.
abbr. Personal Alert Safety System; Personal Assistance Support Services; Plan To Achieve Self Support; Post Approval Surveillance System; Preparing For Academic And Social Success; Primary Avionics Software System; Princeton Alternative Secondary School; Procurement Automated Source System; Professional Airways System Specialist; Proof Of Age Standards Scheme; PACOM ADP Server Site; PACOM IPAC Intelligence Computer System Analyst Support System; passage; passenger; Permanent Access Speedway Seating; Personal Access Satellite System (NASA); Photo Interpretation Analyst Support System; Polite And So Sexy; Preventing Alcohol Sales To Students; Print Analyzer Savings Solutions; Program And Semester Switch; Programmable Atmospheric Sampling Control; Project Attendance For Secondary Schools; programming did software system
abbr., auto. personalized automotive security system; personal automotive security system; photo-acoustic soot sensor
abbr., avia. parked aircraft security system; planning and scheduling system
abbr., ed. Parents Assuring Student Success; Partners At School Sharing; Partnership For Achieving Student Success; Peer Assisted Study Session; Practice Assessment Strengthen Skills; Preparatory Academic Skills For Students; Profile Of Achievement And School Success; Program For Academic Skills And Success; Program For Academic Student Success; Pull Aim Squeeze And Sweep
abbr., el. passivation; phase alternating sub-Nyquist sampling; precision autocollimating solar sensor; private automatic switching system; production automated scheduling system; program alternative simulation system; programming aid software system
abbr., genet. parallel allele-specific sequencing (параллельное аллель-специфичное секвенирование Dimpassy)
abbr., karate. primacy avionics software system
abbr., law Peer Assistance Support Scheme
abbr., med. Postdoctoral Application Support Service; Pre Admission Screening System; Patient Acceptable Symptom State (ННатальЯ); post-authorisation safety study (shpak_07); post-authorization safety study (пострегистрационное исследование безопасности Dimpassy)
abbr., mil., air.def. passive space surveillance
abbr., mil., avia. parked aircraft security system
abbr., physiol., med. Post Abortion Stress Syndrome
abbr., post Postal Application and Scheduling System (2001, employment test system)
abbr., radio, scient. Pressures Applications Solenoids Sensors
abbr., scient. Powerful and Authentic Social Study (ННатальЯ)
abbr., scottish Passive & Active Sensor Subsystem
abbr., sport. Preferred Access Speedway Seating
abbr., stat. Power Analysis and Sample Size (Игорь_2006)
abbr., welf. Plan for Achieving Self-Support
energ.ind. pilot air stabilization system
mil. parked aircraft sentry system; passive aircraft surveillance system; patrol advanced surveillance system; penetration aids/strike system; position and surveying system; precision angulation and support system; pressurized air start system; prototype artillery subsystem
tech. post-accident sampling system; precision auto collimating solar sensor; programmed access/security system
univer., ed., scient. Patron Satisfaction Survey
pass [pɑ:s] abbr.
abbr. passport
gram. passive
pass. abbr.
abbr. passive (mood Vosoni)
abbr., econ. passenger
abbr., gram. passive (ssn)
lat. passim (throughout Vosoni)
PASs [pɑ:s] abbr.
abbr., anim.husb. periodic acid-schiff staining; periodic acid Schiff staining
Pass. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. passage
PASS [pɑ:s] abbr.
abbr., avia. parked-aircraft security system
abbr., clin.trial. Post Authorisation Safety Studies (iwona); Procalcitonin and Survival Study (ННатальЯ)
abbr., exc.supp. patient acceptable symptomatic state (iwona)
abbr., med. Post-Authorization Safety Surveillance (neuromuscular.ru dimock)
abbr., oil paint adhesion on a scribed surface; Petroleum Abstracts Searching System; poly aluminum silicate sulfate; pump-application selection expert system
abbr., pharma. Post-Authorisation Safety Study (CRINKUM-CRANKUM)
abbr., space passive and active sensor subsystem; passive surveillance system
pass: 842 phrases in 80 subjects
American usage, not spelling3
Analytical chemistry2
Automated equipment1
Automatic control2
Computer numerical control2
Corporate governance1
Cultural studies1
Earth sciences14
Electric traction1
Energy industry2
Equestrian sports3
Fish farming pisciculture3
Fishery fishing industry3
Food service and catering2
Grass hockey1
Health care3
Hobbies and pastimes15
Humorous / Jocular1
Ice hockey1
Immigration and citizenship1
Information technology30
International Monetary Fund14
Labor organization2
Life sciences2
Materials science4
Mechanic engineering28
Medical appliances1
Municipal planning1
Name of organization2
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation4
Natural sciences2
Nuclear physics6
Pest control1
Pharmacy and pharmacology3
Piezoelectric crystals2
Pulp and paper industry1
Remote sensing2
Social science2
Speed skating1
United Nations1
Water polo1
Welfare & Social Security1
Радиоактивное излучение4