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agric. éventrer
comp., MS ouvert
earth.sc. el. coupure
el. déclencher
industr. construct. à jour
IT ouverture d'un fichier
IT tech. ouvrir
mater.sc. mech.eng. sans toit
mech.eng. el. machine ouverte
med. ouvert
| post/to
 post to
comp., MS publier sur
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noun | verb | to phrases
open ['əupən] n
gen. bien dégagé; ouvrir; non dissimulé; tournoi open (tournament); e ouvert
agric. en vrac
comp., MS ouvert m (Pertaining to the status assigned to records in the system that are in progress); en cours (The state in a period in which activity can occur, the state of an operational process, or the status of a source document)
construct. écarter m; espacer; découvrir; découper
earth.sc., el. coupure f
industr., construct. à jour
mater.sc., mech.eng. sans toit
mech.eng., el. machine ouverte
med. ouvert m
pack. déballer; dépaqueter; cadre de bois ou caisse à claire-voie
telecom. découvert m
transp., construct. découverte f
trav. rendre accessible
to open ['əupən] n
agric. éventrer
el. déclencher m
IT ouverture d'un fichier
IT, tech. ouvrir; charger m
to open quota ['əupən] n
fin., polit. ouvrir un contingent
open to the public ['əupən] n
patents. accessible au public
open ['əupən] v
industr., construct. ajouré
 English thesaurus
open ['əupən] abbr.
abbr., amer., slang crack open a bottle (Let's crack open a bottle for his birthday)
abbr., IT opn
cinema The time at which a movie is first released in theatres. Movies will often open at different times in different countries/regions.
OPEN ['əupən] abbr.
abbr. Open Protocol Enhanced Networks
abbr., biotechn. Oligomerized Pool Engineering (selection method Altuntash)
abbr., ed. One Planet Education Network
abbr., el. Olympic public electronic network; open platform exchange network; optical Pan European network
abbr., mil., avia. opening
abbr., progr. Object-oriented Process, Environment and Notation (ssn)
abbr., space origin of plasma in the earth's neighborhood
abbr., tradem. Opencar Pleasure And Entertainment Network
open post/to
: 2 phrases in 1 subject