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| or
comp. OU
| pertaining to
 pertain to
transp. rapporter à
| a
polit. agric. tech. are; a
| student
arts. élève
s | final
patents. sans recours
| academic year
 academic year
ed. année académique
at a | high school
 high school
slang bahut
| or
comp. OU
| university
econ. université
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

preposition | abbreviation | to phrases
of... prep.
gen. en date du..
 English thesaurus
OF [ɔv] abbr.
abbr. optical fibre
abbr., avia. overfrequency
abbr., busin. overland transit full
abbr., earth.sc. objective function; oil film; operational forecast; ordinary dynamic forecasts
abbr., oil ocean freight; oceanographic facility; oil-fired; open fracture; open-file report; optimal feedback; organic facies; oscillator frequency; outer flame; overbank fines
abbr., space over-frequency; oxygen fill
abbr., typogr. old face (type)
OF [ɔv] abbr.
abbr. Old French; Older Fellow; Order Form; Odd Fellows; office; Old Fart; orbital flight; outside face; ultrasonic frequency
abbr., agric. old female
abbr., alum. overflow liquor
abbr., automat. optimization function; overflow
abbr., avia. optical framing camera; off airway; off time; oil free; operational fixed; outer fix; outside force; over fill; over frequency
abbr., biochem. oligofructose (igisheva)
abbr., chem., scient. Oxygen Free
abbr., el. office of future; operand fetch; optical feedback; optical filter; optimal filter; outline font; out of frame; over flow
abbr., el., scient. Optical Fiber
abbr., electr.eng. oil-filled; output factor; oxygen-free
abbr., IT Output File; Overflow Flag
abbr., med. occipitofrontal (diameter of head)
abbr., mil. Objective Force; Opposing Force; Optional Form; Operating Force (s Киселев); officer (NATO)
abbr., mil., avia. occluded front
abbr., O&G, sakh. Opportunity Framing
abbr., oil open flow
abbr., pest.contr. oil miscible flowable concentrate
abbr., piez. orientation flat
abbr., polym. oil fuel; oxidizer-fuel; oxidizing flame
abbr., progr., IT Open File
abbr., sport. Outfield; Outfielder
abbr., st.exch. Oppenheimer Funds
abbr., tech. operative temperature
energ.ind. operational factor
mil. operating forces; operational forces; optional form
tech. occupation factor; optical field; optical filtering; optical flat; optical frequency; oxide film
therm.eng. oil filled
of. abbr.
abbr., libr. official
of or pertaining to
: 1 phrase in 1 subject