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nothing doing
gen. pas moyen de moyenner
amer., avunc. peau de balle (et balai de crin)
rude, amer. peau de zébi; peau de refus; peau de mépris
nothing doing!
gen. des clous!; je ne marche pas!; des prune s!
 English thesaurus
nothing doing
gen. there is no prospect of success or agreement (He wants to marry her. Nothing doing! lexico.com)
inf. used to mean "no", especially when said in answer to a request (We asked if she'd come over and help us, but she said, "Nothing doing". cambridge.org); an expression of dismissal, disapproval, lack of compliance with a request, etc. (He wants to marry her. Nothing doing! collinsdictionary.com); used to refuse to do something (Lend you $500? Nothing doing! ldoceonline.com)
nothing doing
: 7 phrases in 3 subjects
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