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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
mmf n
magn. force magnétomotrice
mmf abbr.
magn. fmm
 English thesaurus
mmf. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. magnetomotive force
MMF abbr.
abbr. Make Money Fast; Malaysian Moffatt Fans; Mercy Med Flight; Moisture Moving Fabric; Money Market Fund; Make Money Fast scam; Mean Mo Fos; money market mutual fund (Vosoni); Moving Magnetic Features; magnetic motive force
abbr., auto. monomode fiber
abbr., avia. maximum midexpiratory flow; manufacturers maintenance facility; missile maintenance facility
abbr., biochem. mycophenolate mofetil (MichaelBurov)
abbr., busin. man-made fabric
abbr., cables multimode optical fibre
abbr., chem. methylmercuric fluoride
abbr., commun. Multiple Mode Fiber
abbr., comp. multimedia framework (harser)
abbr., comp., net. multimedia movefile format
abbr., comp., net., IT Multi Mode Fiber
abbr., earth.sc. Mobile Measurement Facility; multi-media filtration
abbr., el. main message file; mass memory file; microelectronics manufacturing facility; micromation microfilm
abbr., el., scient. Magnetive Motive Force
abbr., flow. maximum monthly flow (igisheva)
abbr., immunol. macrophage mitogenic factor
abbr., IT Mail Message File; Memory Mapped File; Memory Mapping File; Mobile Media Format
abbr., med. Maxillomandibular Fixation; mycophenolate mofetil (микофенолата мофетил aksolotle); Member of the Medical Faculty
abbr., media. Meet My Folks
abbr., mil. Magnetomotive Force
abbr., mil., WMD Mixed-munitions facility
abbr., oil micro-membrane filter; micro-metallic filter; mobile magnetic field; mud mobility factor; multiple matched filter; multiple migration filtering
abbr., phys., scient. Magneto Motive Force
abbr., physiol. MaxilloMandibular Fixation; Maximal Mid-expiratory Flow
abbr., physiol., med. Maximal midexpiratory flow; Momentary Muscular Failure
abbr., space man-made fault
abbr., tech. magneto motive force (MichaelBurov); magneto-motive force (MichaelBurov); magnetomotive force (MichaelBurov)
abbr., textile Man-made fiber
energ.ind. multi-media filter
invest. money market fund
IT Multimode Fiberoptic cable
math. Magnetomotive
mil. mobile maintenance facility; mobile maritime forces; module maintenance facility
tech. micromicrofarad; mineral matter free
telecom. Multimode Fiber
mmfd abbr.
abbr. micromicrofarad
: 12 phrases in 2 subjects