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madder ['mædə] n
geogr. garance f
madder ['mædə] adj.
chem. garancine
nat.res., textile garance (Rubia tinctorum)
MAD [mæd] adj.
math. déviation absolue médiane
mad [mæd] adj.
med. fou; aliéné; dément
 English thesaurus
MAD [mæd] abbr.
abbr. Make A Decision; Manipulating Aeromagnetic Data; Mechanized Artillery Division; Memory Address Driver strength (BIOS); Mutual Assured Destruction; Madurese
abbr., astr. Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics Demonstrator (ВВладимир)
abbr., auto. manifold air density
abbr., avia. major damage; management analysis division; material analysis department; memory and display; multi aperture device
abbr., biol. methyl androsterone
abbr., checkers. mission assignment discrete (USAF nosov99)
abbr., clin.trial. multiple ascending dose (MichaelBurov)
abbr., d.b.. Magnetic, Agile, Deep (Big Data approach viop)
abbr., dog. Master Agility Dog
abbr., ed. Making A Difference
abbr., el. machine automatic algorithmic decoder; magnetic antisubmarine detector; maintenance and diagnostic; maximal areal density; mean absolute difference; mean access delay; memory access director; Michigan algorithm decoder; micro-alignment device; microalloy diffused; microwave acoustic delay (line); minimum angle of deviation; mixed analog and digital
abbr., file.ext. Machine ANSI Data; Module shortcut (MS Access)
abbr., fin. Moroccan Dirham
abbr., genet. mean accumulated dose
abbr., IT multiaperture device; multiple aperture device
abbr., lab.eq. Method Accuracy Description
abbr., med. Muscle Adenylate Deaminase; Mandibular Advancement Device (harser); mean abdominal diameter (vlad-and-slav); multiwavelength anomalous diffraction (harser)
abbr., mil. Magnetic Azimuth Detector; Military Air Distress; Mission assignment descrete (nosov99); military air distress; mutual assured destruction (MichaelBurov); maintenance
abbr., mil., avia. machine answering device
abbr., mil., WMD mutual assured destruction (MichaelBurov)
abbr., NATO mutual assured destruction (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil maximal allowable discharge (Seregaboss); maximum allowable discharge
abbr., org.name. Madrid Liaison Office
abbr., physiol. Maximum Adrenaline Dose; Mesenteric Artery Disease
abbr., post Maintenance Analysis Document
abbr., qual.cont. mathematical analysis of downtime; mean absolute deviation
abbr., reliabil. mean administrative delay
abbr., scottish Mass Air Delivery
abbr., securit. months after date
abbr., sociol. mutual assured destruction (Artjaazz)
abbr., stat. median absolute deviation
abbr., tech. maintenance assembly and disassembly
abbr., UN mutually assured destruction
airports, avia. Madrid, Spain
chem., abbr. mechanically agitated dispersion
ecol., abbr. major air disaster; management allowed deficiency; maximum admissible discharge
mil. maintenance alert directive
mil., abbr. Marine air detachment; magnetic anomaly detection; magnetic anomaly detector; maintenance access door; maintenance analysis data; maintenance, assembly and disassembly; material analysis data; material availability date; materiel acquisition and delivery; mechanical assembly and disassembly; military airplane division; military assistance division; missile assembly data; motor assembly and disassembly; mutual assured destruction
O&G manual activation deluge/foam push button
tech. magnetic airborne detector
tech., abbr. multiple-access device
mAD [mæd] abbr.
abbr., med. right ear
abbr., med., lat. auris dextra
Mad [mæd] abbr.
abbr. Madam
Mad. abbr.
abbr. Maddock's Chancery Reports
Mad [mæd] abbr.
abbr., oil Madison
Mad. adj.
geogr. Madagascar (Vosoni)
: 67 phrases in 12 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Health care2
Information technology2
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation4
Natural sciences1
Veterinary medicine3