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comp., MS Liste
comp., MS lister; liste
industr. construct. lisière; lisière tissée
IT listage
IT dat.proc. lister
IT tech. liste; liste chaînée
stat. faire une liste
| of
gen. en date du..
| items
IT article
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | verb | to phrases
list [lɪst] n
gen. gîte m; répertoire m; grille f; bande f; donner de la bande
chem. registre m; table f
comp. mettre en liste; mettre en listes; imprimer en liste; imprimer en listes
comp., MS lister (To make or include in a list); liste f (A table of records located in the main area for each entity in the user interface)
construct. cadre m; réglet m; filet m
fin. bordereau m
industr. cordon m
industr., construct. lisière f; lisière tissée
IT listage m; lister
IT, tech. liste f; liste chaînée
law rôle m
market. inscrire au catalogue
textile assamblage m; montage m
to list [lɪst] n
gen. énoncer
IT, dat.proc. lister
stat. faire une liste
transp., nautic. prendre de la gîte
List [lɪst] n
comp., MS Liste f (A SmartArt graphic layout type that includes layouts designed to show nonsequential information)
list UNAT [lɪst] n
UN, law rôle m (du Tribunal)
list of architects [lɪst] n
ed. tableau de l'ordre professionnel
lists [lɪsts] n
paleont. branches f
list [lɪst] v
ling. dresser une liste; répertorier
welf. détailler; énumérer
listing ['lɪstɪŋ] v
gen. établissement de listes
agric. rayonnage
fin. cotation en Bourse; cotation; inscription à la cote officielle
industr., construct. teinture mal unie des lisières; lisière tissée
interntl.trade. inscription au catalogue
IT liste; paravent
IT, dat.proc. impression en liste
stat. énumération
tech. listage
to list [lɪst] v
transp., nautic. donner de la bande; donner de la gîte; gîter
listing. v
transp. listage, n.m.
 English thesaurus
LIST [lɪst] abbr.
abbr., el. laser induced schlieren technique; lock-in stabilization
abbr., mil. Logistics Intra-theater Support Tool
abbr., space Laboratory of Information Systems Technology
LISTS [lɪsts] abbr.
abbr., el. library information system, time-sharing
List [lɪst] abbr.
abbr., file.ext. .lst (file name extension)
list A site element that stores and displays a collection of data that team members and other site users can share [lɪst] abbr.
abbr., comp., MS జాబితా
LiST [lɪst] n
med. Lives Saved Tool (Natalya Rovina)
list of items: 8 phrases in 3 subjects
Nuclear physics1