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 English thesaurus
le abbr.
abbr. equivalent plate thickness; left eye
abbr., sport. left end
le. abbr.
abbr. league
LE abbr.
abbr. ком. low efficiency; Lance Ethernet; Layout Editor; Life Experience; Limited Edition; Limited Expense; Line Entry; Labor Exchange; LAN Emulation (LANE, ATM); Lands End, Inc. (now de-listed, acquired by Sears); Large End; Left Eye, Lower Extremity; legal entitiy (Ася Кудрявцева); Legal Entity (REACH (предложено Alviko) Karabas); Lemon Experiences; lifting eye; Local Exchange (ISDN); Lodestar Entertainment; Logic Element; Lunatic End; Lupus Erythematosis; less-than or equal to
abbr., avia. lighting equipment; Lambert engineering; launching equipment; legal commission; light energy; light engine; light excitation; limited effectively; log entry
abbr., busin. liberalization of exchange
abbr., chem.ind. light ends (Paul_K)
abbr., comp., net. LAN emulation
abbr., earth.sc. Lagrangian Elements; Lagrangian-Eulerian Approach (LEZOOM Without Zooming); landscape elements; Livre sterling Egyptian; local equilibrium; low elevation
abbr., ed., scient. Lab Exercise
abbr., el. Lagrange equation; latch enable; linear equalizer; line equipment; linkage editor; link encryption; listener echo loss; localized exciton; longitudinally excited; loop extender; low-end (product); lumped element
abbr., file.ext. Executable image (DOS/4GW PM 32X DOS Extender); Less or Equal
abbr., fin. Egyptian Pound
abbr., IT Line Edit; Linear Executable; List Element; Local Expansion; Low End
abbr., law Law Enforcement
abbr., med. Left Eye; Lower Extremities; Lupus Erythematosus; lower extremity; lupus erythematosus; left ear
abbr., media. Low Edition
abbr., mil. low-order explosives; liaison element; Life Extension; Locally Engaged
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. local exchange
abbr., O&G, sakh. Latest Estimate (Sakhalin Energy)
abbr., oil laboratory equipment; labour exchange; latent energy; layout engineering; lease; left extremity; less than or equal to; Lewis number; lift efficiency; lifting eyes; logical element; lifting efficiency
abbr., oncol. leading edge therapy (tothestarlight)
abbr., pharma. Long-Evans (линия крыс, см. Long-Evans rats Игорь_2006)
abbr., phys., scient. Low Energy
abbr., physiol. Lower Extremity
abbr., physiol., med. Life Expectancy; Lip Extension
abbr., polit. Lebanon
abbr., progr., IT Leading Edge
abbr., scient. latest estimate (MichaelBurov)
abbr., scottish Lebanon (NATO country code); Logistics Executive (British Army; A)
abbr., sec.sys., IT Line Encryption
abbr., soil. levee
abbr., space laser engineering; launch escape
abbr., tech. leading edge
abbr., transp. Low Emission; Luxury Edition
energ.ind. leading engineer; left end
mil. laboratory equipment; laboratory evaluation; launch emplacement; launch equipment; law enforcement; life expectancy; light equipment; limits of error; logistics evaluation; low efficiency; low explosive
tech. laser engine; lead engineer; limit of error; liquid explosive; luminous efficiency
Le abbr.
abbr. electrode length
abbr., earth.sc. levyne
Le. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. ledge
: 74 phrases in 11 subjects
Name of organization1