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intelligence system
mil., logist. système de renseignement; chaîne du renseignement
 English thesaurus
intelligence system
abbr., AI. intellig. sys. (ssn)
mil., logist. Set of human and technical assets ensuring the collection and processing of intelligence in order to provide the commander, in a timely manner, with information regarding the opponent and the environment. (FRA); Organized set of human assets and information collection, processing and dissemination techniques aiming at permitting a force to get the piece of intelligence necessary for its action in due time. (FRA)
USA Any formal or informal system to manage data gathering, to obtain and process the data, to interpret the data, and to provide reasoned judgments to decision makers as a basis for action (JP 2-01)
intelligence system
: 17 phrases in 7 subjects
Criminal law1
Information technology5