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informed consent [ɪn'fɔ:mdkən'sent]
health., pharma. consentement éclairé
UN, chem. assentiment en toute connaissance de cause; consentement préalable éclairé
 English thesaurus
informed consent [ɪn'fɔ:mdkən'sent]
med. A communication process between a person and a health care provider or researcher to ensure that the person understands all relevant facts associated with a medical procedure or clinical trial. Before undergoing the procedure or participating in the trial, the person must sign an informed consent form that indicates understanding of the risks and benefits involved and of the risks and benefits of other options. infoSIDA The Spanish-language companion Web site to AIDSinfo. Information is available via the Web, phone, e-mail, and postal mail. see also AIDSinfo
informed consent
: 42 phrases in 10 subjects
Health care3
Human rights activism1
Name of organization8
Obsolete / dated1
United Nations9