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indicator ['ɪndɪkeɪtə] n
gen. appareil indicateur; avertisseur visuel
agric. plante indicateur
agric., food.ind. révélateur m
anal.chem. indicateur visuel
antenn. penthode amplificatrice B.F. et indicateur d'accord
chem. indicateur coloré; réactif à vaporiser; indicateur m (coloré); aiguille f; appareil de mesure; appareil de lecture
construct. robinet rapporteur ou avertisseur; coefficient m
earth.sc., tech. indicateur de rayonnement; signaleur m; signaleur de rayonnement
el. indicateur m; dispositif indicateur
life.sc. témoins f; indicateurs d'événement; traces f
met. portée de noyau reperée; détrompeur m
sport. jauge f
stat. indice m
tech. indicateur m (dynamométrique)
transp., el. signal visuel; voyant m
радиоакт. balise f
indicators n
econ. indicateur m
IT, social.sc., transp. contrôles m
IT, tech. indicateurs m
transp. pancartage m; pancartage de gare
indicators electricity n
gen. annonciateurs électricité; indicateurs électricité
indicator Something that provides an indication especially of trends ['ɪndɪkeɪtə] n
environ. indicateur m
 English thesaurus
indicator ['ɪndɪkeɪtə] abbr.
abbr., agric. indie
auto. indicator light
mil., abbr. id; ind; indr
mil., logist. In intelligence matters, a raw intelligence item showing the intention or the capability of a potential enemy of following or not a course of action. 2. Synthetic representation of an item of information, generally making a comparison between the accomplishment and an objective, between a situation and a standard or the threshold. There are various types of indicators: 1. performance indicator of: synthetic representation of an item of information which gives a report on the results of the activity, 2. effectiveness indicator: report that an action is successful, when it produced the expected effect, 3. efficiency indicator: capacity to reached the fixed objectives through the optimisation of the assets used to reach them. (FRA)
tech., abbr. indctr; indic
USA In intelligence usage, an item of information which reflects the intention or capability of an adversary to adopt or reject a course of action (JP 2-0); In operations security usage, data derived from friendly detectable actions and open-source information that an adversary can interpret and piece together to reach conclusions or estimates of friendly intentions, capabilities, or activities (JP 3-13.3)
indicator A set of graphics, text, and colors for defining different levels of performance when comparing an actual value and a target value within a KPI ['ɪndɪkeɪtə] abbr.
abbr., comp., MS ఇండికేటర్
indicator equipment
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects