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hug [hʌg] v
cyc.sport être dans la roue d'un autre; coller (au peloton)
 English thesaurus
HUG [hʌg] abbr.
abbr. Help Uncover The Gem; Holiday Utility Gift; Huge Uplifting Gesture
abbr., avia. Huehuetenango, Guatemala
abbr., ed. Help Understanding And Guidance
abbr., el. HAL User Group; Honeywell Users Group
abbr., inet. Harlequin User Group
abbr., med. Hughes
abbr., mil., avia. Hornet upgrade
abbr., relig. Helping Understand Grief
abbr., st.exch. Hughes Supply, Inc.
HUGS abbr.
abbr. Harness Ultra Guard System; Help Understanding And Group Support; Help Us Get Safe; Homework Under Guided Supervision
hug: 17 phrases in 6 subjects
Health care1
Humorous / Jocular1