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gen. pièces d'ameublement; des meubles; les meubles meublants
commun. lingots
construct. quincaillerie; garnitureƒ; ferrure; meuble
environ. meubles
fin. mobilier
| of
gen. en date du..
| wood
environ. bois
| inlaid
book.bind. incrusté
| lacquered
met. laquage
| gilt
fin. rente
with | applique work
 appliqué work
industr. construct. broderie d'application
| of
gen. en date du..
| fine
coal. fines de minerai
| wood
environ. bois
| decorated
arts. décoré
with | met
comp., MS réunion
- only individual words found

noun | adjective | to phrases
furniture ['fɜ:nɪʧə] n
gen. pièces d'ameublement; des meubles
construct. quincaillerie f; garnitureƒ f; ferrure f; meuble m
household furniture ['fɜ:nɪʧə] n
gen. les meubles meublants
furniture ['fɜ:nɪʧə] adj.
gen. meubles
commun. lingots; lingot
cultur., industr., construct. fourniture
fin. mobilier
fin., mun.plan., IT équipement mobile
polit. ameublement
transp., mech.eng. garniture
furniture The movable articles in a room or an establishment that make it fit for living or working ['fɜ:nɪʧə] adj.
environ. meubles
furniture ... of wood , inlaid, lacquered, gilt, with appliqué work of fine wood, decorated with: 1 phrase in 1 subject