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evacuation [ɪ'vækju'eɪʃ(ə)n] n
gen. évacuation f
antenn. pompage m; vidage m
earth.sc. production du vide
mil., logist. ramassage m
 English thesaurus
evacuation [ɪ'vækju'eɪʃ(ə)n] n
mil., abbr. evac
mil., logist. Operation consisting in removing from a given area those personnel and equipment no longer able to be used, treated or repaired in that area. FRA 2. The removal of the sick, the wounded, civilians, prisoners of war, damaged weapons, equipment and other materiel, agricultural and industrial equipment and valuables from areas of operations and areas affected by weapons of mass destruction or natural disasters. Troops are also evacuated from areas cut off by enemy forces. (UKR/NATO); Recovery, recuperation and grouping of friendly or enemy equipment which have been damaged, abandoned or immobilized. This task is carried out by a possibly reinforced combined arms unit. 2. Health support operation consisting in recovering casualties on the battlefield, transporting them to the emergency post and their medical treatment, then their movement towards the medical structure in charge of the medical unit responsible for the regulation. (FRA)
USA Removal of a patient by any of a variety of transport means from a theater of military operation, or between health services capabilities, for the purpose of preventing further illness or injury, providing additional care, or providing disposition of patients from the military health care system (JP 4-02); The clearance of personnel, animals, or materiel from a given locality (JP 3-68); The controlled process of collecting, classifying, and shipping unserviceable or abandoned materiel, United States or foreign, to appropriate reclamation, maintenance, technical intelligence, or disposal facilities (JP 4-09); The ordered or authorized departure of noncombatant evacuees from a specific area to another in the same or different countries by Department of State, Department of Defense, or appropriate military commander (JP 3-68)
: 113 phrases in 21 subjects
Corporate governance2
Health care8
Immigration and citizenship1
Labor law1
Life sciences1
Mechanic engineering2
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation3
Natural sciences1
Social science1
United Nations2