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gen. travail de forage
chem. alésage; calibre
construct. sondage
geogr. forage
shoot. à trois canons
coal. poussieres de foration
coal. construct. débris de forage
construct. déblais; débris
| index
arts. index
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | verb | to phrases
drilling ['drɪlɪŋ] n
gen. travail de forage
chem. alésage m; calibre m
construct. sondage m
geogr. forage m (roche/paroi)
shoot. à trois canons
drillings n
coal. poussieres de foration
coal., construct. débris de forage
construct. déblais m; débris m (de forage)
met. copeaux de forage
drilling ['drɪlɪŋ] v
agric. semis en lignes
coal. foration; perforation; trou de forage
construct. perçage
econ. forage
industr., construct. coutil
to drill [drɪl] v
gen. creuser
drilling machining ['drɪlɪŋ] v
transp. perçage
drilling The act of boring holes in the earth for finding water or oil, for geologic surveys, etc. ['drɪlɪŋ] v
environ. forage
drilling of shot-holes ['drɪlɪŋ] v
transp. foragedes trous de mine
 English thesaurus
drilling ['drɪlɪŋ] abbr.
abbr. one-stop milling (ssn); turning and grinding (ssn)
abbr., oil drig
drilling index
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Mechanic engineering1