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basic needs
econ. besoins fondamentaux
polit. besoins essentiels
basic needs Includes certain minimum requirements of a family for private consumption (adequate food, shelter, clothing, household equipment and furniture) and essential services provided by and for the community at large (safe drinking water, sanitation, public transport and health, educational and cultural facilities)
polit. besoins essentiels (Englobent certains besoins élémentaires liés à la consommation privée d'une famille (alimentation, logement, habillement, équipement ménager et ameublement) et les services essentiels fournis par la communauté au sens large et à son profit (eau potable, installations sanitaires, transport et santé publics, installations éducatives et culturelles))
basic needs: 11 phrases in 7 subjects
Food industry1
Food service and catering1
International Monetary Fund1
Social science1