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Vfe abbr.
avia., Canada vitesse maximale avec volets hypersustentateurs sortis; Vfe
 English thesaurus
Vfe abbr.
abbr. maximum flap extended speed
VFE abbr.
abbr. Virtual Factory Equipment; Version with Full Encription; VME-to-VME Futurebus+ extended bridge
abbr., avia. flaps extended speed; maximum flaps extended speed; variable flap ejector; velocity flaps extended
abbr., el. vacuum front end; variable field element; variable field executor
abbr., el., scient. Variable Frequency Electronics; Voice Flow Engineering
abbr., mil. Volunteers For Europe
abbr., oil vertical flow equilibrium
abbr., progr., IT Visual FoxExpress
abbr., sec.sys., IT Version with Full Encryption
abbr., space vendor furnished equipment
abbr., tradem. Valley Forge Enterprises, Ltd.; Virtual Franchise Expo