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VCR [ˌviːsiː'ɑː] abbr.
comp., MS magnétoscope (An analog magnetic recording and playback machine used to record and view full-motion video)
 English thesaurus
VCR [ˌviːsiː'ɑː] abbr.
abbr. Very Cute Rodent; Very Corrupt And Rotten; videocassette recorder; VideoCassette Recorder
abbr., agric. villis height:crypt depth ratio (iwona)
abbr., automat. variable compression-ratio piston
abbr., avia. verified configuration recorder
abbr., chem. oncovin
abbr., cinema video cassette recorder
abbr., drug.name vincristine (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., earth.sc. value/cost ratio; vertical crater retreat
abbr., ed. Very Childish Responses
abbr., el. vocal character recognition; voltage-current relation
abbr., el., scient. Video Cassette Reader
abbr., inet. Very Cool Resource
abbr., IT VCR driver
abbr., math., scient. Virtual Construct Rectangle
abbr., med. Virus Contaminated Rat; vincristine sulfate
abbr., media. Video Computerized Recording
abbr., met. variable crown roll
abbr., mil. Viet Cong Regiment; violent crime report
abbr., mil., WMD vapor containment room
abbr., mus. Very Confusing Record
abbr., O&G, casp. variation/change request (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G, sakh. Verification Certificate of Readiness (Sakhalin Energy); videocassette recorders/player
abbr., oil videocassette player; video cassette recording; vinyl chloride rubber
abbr., oncol. VinCRistine
abbr., scottish Variable Compression Ratio; Vehicule de Combat a Roues (Wheeled combat vehicle (France))
abbr., st.exch. Sensory Science Corporation
abbr., tradem. Velocity Car Rentals
abbr., transp. Vehicle Condition Report (DRE); Vertical Control Response
invest., abbr. variable coupon renewable
mil., abbr. visual control room
tech., abbr. video-cassette recorder; video-cassette recording; vision control room; voltage coefficient of resistance; voltage-controlled resistor; voltage-variable resistor
Vcr [ˌviːsiː'ɑː] abbr.
energ.ind. as-fired fuel volatiles