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comp., MS IU
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comp. niveau privilégié

abbreviation | adjective | to phrases
UI abbr.
comp., MS IU (The portion of a program with which a user interacts)
 English thesaurus
UI abbr.
abbr., auto. unit injector
abbr., avia. unit investigation; unit issue
abbr., el. user interface; universal instrument
abbr., med. urinary incontinence (у женщин в период менопаузы; Urinary incontinence (UI), involuntary urination, or enuresis is any involuntary leakage of urine. It can be a common and distressing problem, which may have a profound impact on quality of life. Urinary incontinence almost always results from an underlying treatable medical condition but is under-reported to medical practitioners. WK Alexander Demidov); urgent incontinence; uroporphyrin isomerase
abbr., mil., air.def. user isochronous user data
abbr., mil., avia. umbilical interface
abbr., railw. international system of units
abbr., textile Underwear Institute
NASA, abbr. Ariel (Uranus satellite number 1)
UI abbr.
abbr. Ariel; Ultraviolet Imaging; Unemployment Insurance; Union Initiative; Unit International; Unit Interval; Unreported Income; University of Illinois, Urbana
abbr., avia. unrecognized information; urgent interrupt; user identification
abbr., chromat. Unspecified and Unidentified Impurities (Игорь_2006)
abbr., commer. unite internationale
abbr., comp., net. unique IP
abbr., comp., net., IT Uniform Interface; User Infrastructure
abbr., earth.sc. University of Iowa; uranium I
abbr., ed., scient. University of Illinois; Urban Institute
abbr., file.ext. Unix International
abbr., fin. undistributed income
abbr., inet. U And I
abbr., IT Geoworks U I Compiler Espire language source code file; Unnumbered Information; Unsigned Index; Unsigned Integer; User Interface; User interface; Universal Input (Yanick); unlock instruction
abbr., mil. Unit of Issue
abbr., non-destruct.test. ultrasonic inspection (igisheva)
abbr., oil Underwater Institute; Underwater Instrumentation
abbr., scottish Unicorn International Pte Ltd (Singapore)
abbr., sec.sys., IT Unauthorized Information
abbr., tech. unified interpretations
abbr., tradem. Umbrella, Inc.; United Illuminating
abbr., UN Unofficial International
mil. Unidentified
: 18 phrases in 4 subjects