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Tr n
nucl.phys., радиоакт. thoron m
радиоакт. émanation du thorium (Tn, 220Rn; Tr)
 English thesaurus
Tr abbr.
abbr. tincture; trough; pseudoreduced temperature; reduced temperature; traces; tremolite; transparent
abbr., el. revisit time
abbr., genet. transforming gene
abbr., med. traction; treatment; tremor; tropism
Tr. abbr.
abbr. trustee; trumpet
insur. Transit
lat. Tribunus plebis (" tribune of the people")
TR abbr.
abbr. Tape Recorder; Tax Rate; Teddy Roosevelt; Tracor; Turkish; tritium tatio; transition radiation; Takers Or Receivers; tape recorder; Target Rifle; Tech Report (at least at LCS (q.v.), maybe others); Ted Rogers; telegram to be called for (телеграмма до востребования Lena Nolte); Telstra Research; Terry Ryan; Textile Restoration; The Recorder (daily, USA); Three Rails; time of rise; Token Ring; Tomahawk Railway, L. P.; toothed ring; Tootsie Roll Industries, Inc.; Top Register; Torque Receiver; Total Reserves; total revenue (Vosoni); Totally Reformed; Totally Rejected; towel rack or rod; Training Routine; Transit And Refers; transmitter; transom; Transportation Request; truss; trust receipt (Vosoni); Turkey
abbr., auto. transmission range sensor; transmission range; transmitter/receiver
abbr., automat. tape reader
abbr., avia. temporary revision (стандартов ISAGO Lena Nolte); tail rotor (oshkindt); regulated temperature; tactical requirement; taper ratio; thermal relay; thrust reversal; tie relay; time delay relay; tooling request; tooling repair; tooling reworking; torpedo reconnaissance aircraft; training room; travel rejection; tubular rivets; turbine rotor; turn turning radius; type rating
abbr., BrE tank regiment; Territorial Reserve
abbr., cartogr. tower; track
abbr., chem. titration reagent (Игорь_2006)
abbr., commer. transportation request
abbr., commun. terminating impedance; Trip mode
abbr., cryptogr. tape resident
abbr., CT time of repetition (OlCher)
abbr., dipl. transfer ruble; transferable ruble; Treaty of Republic (bigmaxus)
abbr., ed., scient. Technical Reference
abbr., el. tactical reconnaissance; temporal reference; time reference; test rate; test result; thermoreflectance; thin route; throughput ratio; time-resolved; timer run; timing recovery; total reflection; traffic route; transaction restart; transfer ratio; transfer request; transfer resistance; translating repeater; translation register; transmission ratio; trapezoidal rule; truncation radius; typematic rate; task register
abbr., el., scient. Transmitter Receiver
abbr., electr.eng. temperature recorder; transformation ratio
abbr., file.ext. Session-state settings (Turbo Debugger for DOS); Terminal Ready; Unformatted manual page (Roff/nroff/troff/groff)
abbr., IT Table Row; That's Right; transaction routing
abbr., law Trial Record
abbr., med. tricuspid regurgitation (Vosoni); residual tuberculin; residue tuberculin; temporary resident; tetrazolium reduction; therapeutic radiology; thermoresistant; total radioactivity; total resistance; total response; tuberculin R (new tuberculin); turbidity reducing; thyroid hormone receptor
abbr., med.appl. repetition time (время повторения Dimpassy); Repeat time (Sagoto)
abbr., media. Text Revision
abbr., mil. Technical Report; Technical Requirement; Test Report; Trouble Report; Technology Requirement; Transitional Radiation; TRansmit; transmit-receive; travel request (ЛС)
abbr., mil., air.def. transmit/ receive
abbr., mil., avia. tactical radar
abbr., mil., navy USS Theodore Roosevel (aircraft carrier Val_Ships); USS Theodore Roosevelt (US Navy aircraft carrier Val_Ships)
abbr., mil., WMD TEAD regional site; training round
abbr., mining. terres rares
abbr., mol.gen. terminal repeat
abbr., O&G pipeline technical regulations (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, casp. trunkline (uaka); tranch (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Temporary Refuge
abbr., O&G, sakh. temporary refuge (a room or protected area on an offshore platform that protects people in an emergency until either the emergency is over or people are able to evacuate)
abbr., oil reservoir temperature; thermal reactor; tracking (andrushin); tract; transport ratio
abbr., physiol. Temperature, Rectal; tumor response
abbr., physiol., med. Taste Receptor; Tincture; Trace; Trauma
abbr., polym. technical regulations; thermoplastic rubber
abbr., post Transaction type (MODS report abbreviation, i.e. 7X, AX)
abbr., refrig. ton of refrigeration
abbr., scottish Civil aircraft marking (Gabon); Theatre Reserve; Transmitter / Receiver
abbr., securit. Treasury receipt
abbr., sport. Team Rocket
abbr., telecom. telecommunication room (MichaelBurov)
abbr., tradem. Tubos Reunidos SA (Испания)
abbr., transp. Transportation Research; Turn Red
energ.ind. tax rates; tax regulation; thermal response; time relay; topical report; transformer rectifier; trial run; tripper cars; tritium recovery; turnkey retrofit
Gruzovik, abbr., scient. transportation robot
insur. technical reserves
mil. target recognition; technical regulation; technical report; technical representative; technical requirements; technical review; temporary rank; terms of reference; test report; test request; test requirements; test run; theater reserve; tracking radar; tracking rate; trainer reconnaissance; training regulations; training requirements; transport reconnaissance; trip report; trouble report; true range
O&G process 95% response time
tech. tape register; temperature range; test range; test routine; tester; thermal resistance; time record; time-delay relay; token-ring; training department; transducer; transformer; transformer-rectifier; transient radiation; transient recorder; transient response; translate; translated; transmit-receive switch; transmit-receive tube; transmitter-receiver; transverse; triple; trunk relay; tunnel rectifier; turbine room
tr abbr.
abbr. translator; tare; there; tractor; trailer; train; trainee; trainer; transaction; transactions (Vosoni); transfer; transition; translation; treasurer; treasury; trench; troop; trooper; truck
abbr., earth.sc. tour
abbr., econ. transport; trustees
abbr., el. rise time
abbr., med. tincture; trichion
abbr., oil trustee
abbr., sport. touchdown running
agric. transection; transferred; tray
biol. tracer
gram. transitive
handicraft. treble crochet (maria2703); trible crochet (maria2703)
IT transistor
med. temperature, rectal
sport. trace
tr. abbr.
abbr. tread; treasurer; trust (Vosoni)
abbr., commer. transaction
abbr., earth.sc. tare; tracer; transition; transparent
abbr., econ. treasury; trustees
abbr., fin. transfer
abbr., mech.eng. transmission
abbr., med. tincture
insur. Transport
mining. treble
tR abbr.
abbr. Réaumur temperature
.TR n
IT application/x-troff
Tr abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. terbium; tertiary rhyolites; trachytes; trap; tridymite; troilite; trona
abbr., oil Triassic
Tr. abbr.
abbr. translation; transportation
abbr., commer. tribunal
abbr., earth.sc. trace; Triassic; triclinic
TR abbr.
abbr., busin. Technological Research (ART Vancouver)
TR abbr.
abbr. Ranking temperature; telegraph repeater; telephone repeater; thio rubber; translations; transmitting-receiving tube
abbr., avia. tactical reconnaissance; temporary reverser; time to retrofire
abbr., busin. Tariff Reform; time of receipt; Tons Registered; trade; translater; translating; transmitter and receiver; transport routes; transpose; treble; tribunal; troy; trust
abbr., earth.sc. right tibia; target ration; technical release; thermal radiation; tractive resistance; transit; transpiration; transpiration rate; transportation of rig; trapezoid rule; tremolite-rich; trondhjemite
abbr., exhib. transportation
abbr., nautic. tons registrated
abbr., oil temperature regulator; temporary rise; Terceira rift; Tertiary; test requirement; through-tubing re-entry; ton registered; total rock; transgressive/regressive cycle; transverse resistance; trap rock; tritium ratio; trues receipt
abbr., radio transmitting-receiving; trimmer
abbr., rugb. touchdown running1
abbr., space thrust reverser; transponder; technical regulation [report]; test report [request]
abbr., telecom. translating relay
oil, abbr. transmission reduction
: 7 phrases in 4 subjects