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noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
temp [temp] n
gen. faire de l'intérim; secrétaire intérimaire
social.sc., lab.law., empl. travailleur intérimaire
temp [temp] v
gen. travailler comme intérimaire
 English thesaurus
Temp [temp] abbr.
abbr. temporary; temperature (andrushin)
Temp. n
lat. Tempore ("in time"); Tempus ("time")
law tempore
TEMP [temp] abbr.
abbr. Temporary Employee Man Pathetic
abbr., meteorol. the expanded memory print program; thermal effects modeling program
abbr., mil. Test and Evaluation Master Plan
abbr., mil., avia. tactical electromagnetic program
abbr., O&G Tepмoмeтpия (Johnny Bravo)
abbr., oil Temperature Log (glenfoo); temperature log, precision
abbr., physiol., med. Temperature
abbr., scottish Test & Evaluation Master Plan
meteorol. upper-level pressure, temperature and humidity (possibly wind)
mil. tactical electromagnetic program; test and evaluation master plan
temp [temp] abbr.
abbr. temper
abbr., amer. temporary employee (We had to hire a temp to fill in for her. Val_Ships)
abbr., med. temperance; temporal
abbr., oil tempered; temporarily
temp. abbr.
abbr. temporal (Vosoni); temporary
abbr., mech.eng. templet (template)
abbr., tech. temperatur
polym. temperature
Temp [temp] abbr.
abbr., oil template
Temp: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Mechanic engineering1