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SNRS abbr.
abbr. Sunrise Technologies International, Inc.
abbr., el. segmental signal-to-noise ratio
abbr., med. Southern Nursing Research Society
abbr., mil., avia. sunrise
astronaut. Supernova Remnants
SNr abbr.
abbr., anat. Substantia Nigra pars reticularis (Duke Nukem)
SNR abbr.
abbr. Serial NumbeR (IMEI, GSM, Mobile-Systems); Signal to Noise Ratio (Space); sonar; signal-to-crosstalk ratio; Society for Nautical Research
abbr., adv. subject to nonrenewal
abbr., astr., scient. Super Nova Remnant
abbr., auto. signal/noise ratio; sun roof
abbr., avia. schedule negotiation record; super natural rubber
abbr., busin. ship not responsible
abbr., commun. standard Signal to Noise Ratio
abbr., ed., scient. School of Natural Resources
abbr., el. signal-to-noise ratio for call release; silicon-containing negative resist; silicone-based negative resist; special network resource; static negative resistance
abbr., genet. single nucleotide repeat (повтор единичного нуклеотида vokar)
abbr., immunol. secondary non-responsiveness (iwona)
abbr., inet. The Signal To Noise Ratios
abbr., IT Signal - To - Noise Ratio; signal-noise ratio
abbr., med. Selective Nerve Root (block); Special Needle Rheodyne (игла для инжекторов Rheodyne ННатальЯ); selective nerve root block (ННатальЯ)
abbr., med.appl. Signal-Noise Ratio (соотношение сигнал-шум в магнитнорезонансной томографии VasDoc)
abbr., media. Sporting News Radio; scalable profile
abbr., mil. Signal To Noise Ratio; Sonar; Signal-to-Noise Ratio (also S/N)
abbr., neurol. Society for Neuronal Regulation
abbr., oil synthetic natural rubber
abbr., phys., scient. SuperNova Remnant
abbr., scottish Senior National Representative
abbr., st.exch. Sunair Electronics, Inc.
abbr., telecom. S over N (MichaelBurov); S over N ratio (MichaelBurov); S/N ratio (MichaelBurov); signal-to-noise ratio (MichaelBurov); S/N (MichaelBurov); serial number
abbr., tradem. Stiles & Riabokobylko
astr. Supernova Remnants
mil. Signal-to-Noise
tech. slow neutron reactor; supplier nonconformance report
SNRD abbr.
abbr., el. signal-to-noise ratio at the display
snr abbr.
abbr. senior
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