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hobby Swiss Congress and Incentive Destination
SCID abbr.
gen. SCID
EU. Association Suisse des Villes de Congrès et d'Incentive
 English thesaurus
SCIDS abbr.
abbr., med. Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Syndrome
SCID abbr.
abbr. Service Channel IDentifier; Structured Clinical Interview For Dsm
abbr., astronaut. Spacecraft Identifier (TSNIIMash)
abbr., avia. software configuration index drawing
abbr., el. scanning in diffraction; system call interrupt decoder
abbr., health., med. Structured Clinical Interview for DSM
abbr., immunol. severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome
abbr., med. Severe Combined Immune Deficiency; severe combined immunodeficiency; Structured Clinical Interview For DSM; severe combined immunodeficiency; Severe combined immunodeficiency; severe combined immunodeficiency disease; severe combined immune deficiency disorder (I. Havkin); Swiss type agammaglobulinemia
abbr., physiol., med. Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Disorder
NASA Spacecraft Identification
SCId abbr.
abbr., el. service component identifier
SCID: 3 phrases in 2 subjects
Health care1